Restful Routes


Restful_routes is an api endpoint created to perform crud operation on a person/user.


  1. create new user: copy and make a POST request via postman or any other endpoint testing tool of your choice. when a new user is successfully created, copy the given id in the response to perform other crud operations.

  2. Read existing user: copy and make a GET request via postman or any other endpoint testing tool of your choice.

  3. Update existing user: copy and make a PUT request via postman or any other endpoint testing tool of your choice.

  4. Delete existing user: copy and make a DELETE request via postman or any other endpoint testing tool of your choice.

NOTE: id in this case is a unique identifier for saved data, for testing pusposes, first create a new user by sending a post request to copy the id value returned in the request response and use for other operations