Introduction to React


  • Describe the Virtual DOM and its use case in React
  • Explain the ReactDOM.render() method including what arguments it takes and why it’s important
  • Explain the difference between declarative and imperative programming
  • Explain the benefits of components and writing modular code
  • Explain what JSX is and the difference between JSX and HTML
  • Scaffold a new app using create-react-app


  • Segment 1: Why React?
    • Declarative vs. Imperative Programming
    • Virtual DOM
    • Using create-react-app to scaffold a React application
      • Review file structure
      • Dissect .render() method
  • Segment 2: Components
    • What's a Component?
    • Why Use Components?
      • Modularity
      • DRY
      • Separation of Concerns
  • Segment 3: Rendering Components
    • What is JSX?
    • JSX vs HTML
    • Render / Nest Static Components
    • Explore Component Hierarchy
