
Script to batch convert music library to a different format (e.g. a portable format such as MP3)

Primary LanguagePython


BAtch Music Converter (Python 2.7 and 3.4)

With the help of ffmpeg this script can convert the format of a music library. This can be handy to create a paralel library in MP3. Run it once a week and you'll have a nice and up to date library for mobile use.

If anyone cares input and output formats can be expanded. For now only Flac and Alac is supported as input and MP3, Alac, and Flac as output.

BAtch Music Converter

Usage: python ./bam_converter.py [options...]

Available options are specified in brackets if applicable. The default option is
indicated by an asterisk

General options
    -h, --help                   Show this help
    -d, --daemonize              Daemonize bam_converter
    -n, --dry_run                Dry run
    -v, --verbose                Verbose output

Input options:
    -i, --input_location         Location to read library from ['./'*]
    -t, --input_format           [flac*|alac]
    -m, --max_depth              Max folder depth (set 0 for infinte) [0*]

Output options:
    -o, --output_location        Location to write the new library to ['../'*]
    -f, --output_format          [mp3*|alac]
    -q, --output_quality         MP3 output quality [128|196|320*]
    -w, --overwrite              Overwrite file if it already exists
    -e, --embed_covers           Embeds cover art file if available. Requires
                                 AtomicParsley if converting to ALAC.
    -c, --cover_name             Filename of cover art [folder.jpg*|...]

    -p, --atomicparsley          Specify alternative path to AtomicParsley
    -a, --avconv                 Specify alternative path to avconv/ffmpeg