
repro an issue where i can't update two packages in the same branch

Primary LanguageGo

Start by checking out feature branch.

Objective: go run parent/main.go on feature branch outputs "updated dependant", without manually manipulating vendor folder, and without committing dependant/ changes to master branch.

Ideally there's a way to tell dep "do not vendor github.com/therealplato/repro-dep-ensure-branch-sibling/dependant, just use your sibling in this working tree".

Symptom: ./parent.go:11:34: cannot use "github.com/therealplato/repro-dep-ensure-branch-sibling/parent/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus".Fields literal (type "github.com/therealplato/repro-dep-ensure-branch-sibling/parent/vendor/github.com/sirupsen/logrus".Fields) as type "github.com/sirupsen/logrus".Fields in argument to dependant.Exported