
This repository is part of a testbed setup featured in a graduation thesis for a masters of science in cybersecurity engineering.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Operator Console

This repository contains the source code to the operator-console in a cybersecurity test bed of a city transportation system. The testbed was setup to test the result of a threat modelling exercise in a real world use case of the Tallinn Transport ecosystem. The code is written using expressjs on the server and vuejs 2.7 on the client.


The architectural setup of the testbed is shown in the image below;

Test bed message passing

This repository powers client1 and relies on a central broker to send messages to other clients.


Nodejs 14+, eclipse-mosquitto MQTT broker 3.1.

For the sake of testing, a sample broker at https://test.mosquitto.org/ can be used but is not encouraged.

It is advisable to setup the mosquitto mqtt broker with docker. Visit https://hub.docker.com/_/eclipse-mosquitto for more information

For the sake of consistency, please do not use localhost as the hostname for your mosquitto broker. Instead, use the IP address of your computer.


To install, clone this repository. You will notice two directories: client and server. Then run the following commands;

  • cd server. This directory contains the nodejs express server
  • Copy the content of the .env.example file into a .env file. This is required to set the MQTT broker.
  • Open .env and set the appropriate urls for the MQTT_BROKER and TIGR_SERVER. Save and close the file.
  • Run npm install to pull all application dependencies.
  • Finally run node app.js to start the server.
  • Open a new terminal tab and navigate to the client directory.
  • Copy the content of the .env.example file into a .env file in the client directory. This is required to set the MQTT broker.
  • Open .env and set the url for the VUE_APP_MQTT_BROKER as the same url used on the server.
  • Run npm install to install all required dependencies.
  • Run npm run serve to start your application. It should now be running on http://localhost:8080


When the start trip button is clicked, a request will be made to the server to fetch all the route information.

This will broadcast a message over MQTT to the /transport/ride/start topic, which is being subscribed to by the passenger information display module. The passenger information display module collects this route information and displays inform of a trip timeline to the passengers.

The gnss-module responsible for collecting and sending gps information also subscribes to the /transport/ride/start. On getting a message, the gnss module begins to publish geolocation information on the /transport/location topic. The operator console listens on the /transport/location, and displays the real-time geolocation information.

Finally, in accordance with the Tele-diagnostics for Intelligent Garage in Real-time (TIGR) specifications for smart transportation systems, a TIGR compliant TRIP_STARTED identifier will be sent to a TIGR server for further processing.

Similarly, relevant information will be sent and published over respective channels when other events such as change current location, stop trip occur.

Security Testing

Small scripts were written to automate the testing for certain systems of the test bed. The script can be found here