
🌄 A simple lightbox component for displaying images with zoom/rotation

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Images Extended


A simple, responsive lightbox React JS component for displaying an array of images with zooming and rotating capabilities. This is a fork of jossmac/react-images

Why this fork ?

I needed something like jossmac's react-images but with extended features like zooming and rotating, with the ability to save selelcted zoom level (scaling) and rotation angle via API, and re-apply them initially on get.

Quick start

npm install --save react-images-extended


yarn add react-images-extended
import React from 'react';
import Lightbox from 'react-images';

export default class Sample extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        images={[{ src: 'http://example.com/img1.jpg' }, { src: 'http://example.com/img2.jpg' }]}
        onSave={(currentImageIndex, params) => console.log('currentImageIndex, currentImageSrc, params : ', currentImageIndex, this.props.images[currentImageIndex].src, params)}

Demo & Examples

Live demo: react-images-extended.surge.sh

To build the examples locally, run:

yarn install
yarn start

Then open localhost:8000 in a browser.

Using srcSet

Example using srcSet:


    src: 'http://example.com/example/img1.jpg',
    caption: 'A forest'
    srcSet: [
      'http://example.com/example/img1_1024.jpg 1024w',
      'http://example.com/example/img1_800.jpg 800w',
      'http://example.com/example/img1_500.jpg 500w',
      'http://example.com/example/img1_320.jpg 320w',
    src: 'http://example.com/example/img2.jpg',
    srcSet: [
      'http://example.com/example/img2_1024.jpg 1024w',
      'http://example.com/example/img2_800.jpg 800w',
      'http://example.com/example/img2_500.jpg 500w',
      'http://example.com/example/img2_320.jpg 320w',


Property Type Default Description
backdropClosesModal bool false Allow users to exit the lightbox by clicking the backdrop
closeButtonTitle string ' Close (Esc) ' Customize close esc title
enableKeyboardInput bool true Supports keyboard input - esc, arrow left, and arrow right
currentImage number 0 The index of the image to display initially
customControls array undefined An array of elements to display as custom controls on the top of lightbox
images array undefined Required. Array of image objects See image options table below
imageCountSeparator String ' of ' Customize separator in the image count
isOpen bool false Whether or not the lightbox is displayed
leftArrowTitle string ' Previous (Left arrow key) ' Customize of left arrow title
onClickPrev func undefined Fired on request of the previous image
onClickNext func undefined Fired on request of the next image
onClose func undefined Required. Handle closing of the lightbox
onClickImage func undefined Handle click on image
onClickThumbnail func undefined Handle click on thumbnail
onSave func undefined Show save button and handle click / params : currentImageIndex, {rotation, zoom}
preloadNextImage bool true Based on the direction the user is navigating, preload the next available image
rightArrowTitle string ' Next (Right arrow key) ' Customize right arrow title
rotatable bool false Show rotate buttons
showCloseButton bool true Optionally display a close "X" button in top right corner
showImageCount bool true Optionally display image index, e.g., "3 of 20"
width number 1024 Maximum width of the carousel; defaults to 1024px
spinner func DefaultSpinner Spinner component class
spinnerColor string 'white' Color of spinner
spinnerSize number 100 Size of spinner
preventScroll bool true Determines whether scrolling is prevented via react-scrolllock
zoomable bool false Show zoom buttons

Images object

Property Type Default Description
src string undefined Required
srcSet array of strings undefined Optional
caption string undefined Optional
alt string undefined Optional
initialZoom number 1 Optional
initialRotation number 0 Optional