
Question/answer webapp using mern stack (WIP)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What's supported


  • all basic crud endpoints with partial updates for question and user models
  • user auth using jwt tokens


  • User: Register, Login, Logout
  • Question: Create, Read, Edit, Delete, Share
  • Comment: Create, Read, Delete (other features will be implemented in the future)

Try it

First clone the project git clone https://github.com/Fibii/QA.git then create a .env file in the backend with the following properties (specifically in QA/backend, if you use unix touch QA/backend should create it in the correct path)

DB=LINK_TO_DB (something like mongodb://db:port/qaTEST, qaTEST is the name of the db)
API=LINK_TO_API_ENDPOINT (should be something like http://localhost:3001/api/)

go to backend dir cd QA/backend then npm install to install the dependencies required for the backend

go to frontend dir cd QA/frontend then npm install to install the dependencies required for the frontend

start the backend server nodejs QA/backend/index.js

start the frontend react server: cd QA/frontend/ then npm start