
Command line utility for 1:1 mirroring of Github repos

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC



js-standard-style Dependency Status

A node utility to manually clone Github repositories. with bonus CLI!

Github, by design, restricts the number of times you can fork a repo into a single account. Even then, after forking, you are bound to the upstream in your repo page, which if you are doing an iterative work can sometimes be a hinderance to marketing. There are hacks and workarounds for this, but mirror allows you to manually clone a repo with a single command.


npm i -g mirror-cli


To use mirror, you'll need to generate a Github Personal Access Token, found here. You should only grant this token the permissions it needs, which is repo. (If you discover it needs other permissions besides that, lemme know)


mirror account/repo to other-account/other-repo -u username -t token

If you add your username and token to your environment under the variables GITHUB_USER and GITHUB_TOKEN, the command below will do the same thing:

mirror account/repo to other-account/other-repo

If you want to create the new repo from scratch, just add the flag --create or -c

  mirror [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

  -u, --user [STRING]    Your Github Username (Default is username-from-environment)
  -t, --token [STRING]   Your Github Access Token (Default is token-from-environment)
  -f, --force BOOL       force push target branch
  -c, --create BOOL      create target repo on Github
  -k, --no-color         Omit color from output
      --debug            Show debug information
  -v, --version          Display the current version
  -h, --help             Display help and usage details


What is needed

Moar tests
