Yeah, yeah, another setup script. This one does the usual boring stuff, but hey, this one is recently updated (probably) and it actually works (also probably).
- Updates Your Repos (Because It Has To): Gets you the freshest packages because apparently that's important to some people.
- Installs Essential Repos: Adds tur-repo and x11-repo, because who doesn't need more package sources?
- Development Tools (Blah Blah Blah): Installs Code-OSS (for the GUI lovers), Nodejs (with npm, of course), Python 3 (with pip), Python 2 (for the dinosaurs), and more.
- XFCE4 Desktop (If You're Into That Sort of Thing): Sets up XFCE4 so you can pretend Termux is a real computer.
- VNC Server (With a Catch): Installs a VNC server so you can remotely access your tiny Android desktop. Don't forget: Run
after restarting to actually set a password. - Zsh Upgrade (Because Bash Is Lame): Switches your default shell to the mighty Zsh.
- Aliases (For the Extremely Lazy): Includes these shortcuts so you don't have to type a few extra characters:
- Run Python 3 scriptspy2
- Run Python 2 scriptsstartvnc
- Start the VNC server and XFCE4 desktopkillvnc
- Stop the VNC server (Srsly: this is important because if you do not kill the server before stopping Termux, the next time you use startvnc, it'll bitch about display locks.)
Here is an overly-complicated one-liner to install so I can look as though I'm smart and I know what I'm doing:
curl | tee ~/ && chmod +x ~/ && bash ~/ && rm ~/
- Now sets up storage and installs git, bruh.
Jun 9th: I made a custom handycolorful zsh prompt:
The number on the left before the clock is your history number. Need to repeat commands? Remember your history number from my new prompt, and when you have to repeat a command for the second time in a session, simply type "!(history number)". NOTE: If you've already installed my script once already but still want this prompt, you may have it by typing in:
echo "PROMPT='%F{magenta}╭─%! - %t %F{yellow}[%F{white}%~%F{yellow}]%f %F{magenta}╰─$%F{cyan} '" >> ~/.zshrc
Restart Termux and the prompt is yours!