

By default Snort on Windows comes with Linux paths, different library names and relatively bad default configuration. This is a configuration to get Snort 2 (2.9) up and running in no time. This guide assumes that Snort is or will be installed in C:\Snort, if your path is different - please make the necessary adjustment.


  1. Install Snort 2:

  1. Install WinPCap:

  1. Download and replace config file located in C:\Snore\etc\ path:

  1. You can get some nice community rules from here:

  1. Start your terminal as administrator and type:
cd C:\Snort\bin
  1. Determine your interface with:
snort -W
  1. Start Snort on 5th (or whatever number yours is) interface:
snort -i 5 -c C:\Snort\etc\snort.conf


Snort on Windows does not like SO rules - that is why they are disabled.

If Snort can't find blacklists, whitelists and other files - an error will be thrown. They need to be presented, even if empty.

Current files that you must create: C:\Snort\rules\black.list and C:\Snort\rules\white.list. If you want to use different files - you must modify the configuration file manually.

Also the configuration presumes that your installation is C:\Snort, if it is different, then change it manually from the config file.