
๐Ÿ”Ž SEO for Kirby CMS โ€“ done right.

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Kirby SEO

SEO for Kirby CMS โ€“ done right.


  • ๐Ÿ”Ž All-in-one SEO and meta solution
  • ๐Ÿชœ The Meta Cascade: Intelligently merge meta data from multiple sources
  • ๐ŸŽ› Completely configurable: Disable features you don't need
  • ๐Ÿ’ป Simple Panel UI with previews for Google, Twitter, Facebook & Co.
  • ๐Ÿ“ฎ Schema.org support with fluent classes
  • ๐Ÿค– Automatic Robots rule generation, based on page status
  • to be extended


  • Kirby 4.0+ (Kirby 3 support is available for <=0.3.4)
  • PHP 8.1+

How it works - The Meta Cascade ๐Ÿชœ

Kirby SEO is built with a cascading approach in mind. This means that you can define meta tags on multiple levels, and they will be merged together based on their priority:

  1. Page fields: The default page blueprint that allows you to specify most options
  2. Programmatic content: With Page models you can programmatically set meta tags like you want
  3. Inherited fields from parent page: Most fields can be configured to inherit to child pages
  4. Site globals: The site blueprint allows you to set global defaults for all pages
  5. Options: The last fallback is defined in the plugin options

If any setting is left empty, it will fallback to the next level. In this way, the plugin provides cascades to form the final meta data.



Recommended: Composer

composer require tobimori/kirby-seo

Manual installation

Download and copy this repository to /site/plugins/kirby-seo, or apply this repository as Git submodule.

Getting started

Add the blueprint tabs to your blueprints.

# site/blueprints/site.yml
      # your fields
  seo: seo/site
# site/blueprints/pages/default.yml (or any other template)
      # your fields
  seo: seo/page

Add the meta snippet to your templates.

// site/templates/default.php
<html lang="<?= $site->lang() ?>">
    <?php snippet('seo/head'); ?>
    <?php snippet('seo/schemas'); ?>

..and start defining your meta data in panel.

Single-Language Setup

If you're using a single-language setup, it's important to define the language code of your website in the config file:

// config.php
return [
    'tobimori.seo.lang' => 'en_US',

It's used for the og:locale meta tag, and can be applied to the lang attribute of your <html> tag using the $site->lang() site method.

Schema.org usage

The plugin exposes the spatie/schema-org package as site & page methods, with a global store you can access anywhere.

By default, the $pages WebSite schema will be pre-filled with data from fields. You can override the data with the methods listed below. This can also be configured via the generateSchema option.

$page->schema($type) / $site->schema($type)

Returns the existing Schema Object of the given type, or a new Schema Object if it hasn't been created yet for the current context.

$page->schemas() / $site->schemas()

Returns all schemas for a given context as array.


Generates a new Schema Object of the given type, without storing in the context.


This example shows an FAQ page with multiple blocks, each containing a question and an answer.

// site/snippets/blocks/faq.php
<?php $page->schema('FAQPage')->url('https://moeritz.io')->mainEntity(
    ...($page->schema('FAQPage')->getProperty('mainEntity') ?? []),
// At the end of `site/templates/default.php`
<?php snippet('seo/schemas') ?>
// Output
  "@context": "https://schema.org",
  "@type": "FAQPage",
  "url": "https://moeritz.io",
  "mainEntity": [
      "@type": "Question",
      "name": "How does it work?",
      "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "It works like this." }
      "@type": "Question",
      "name": "Woah, it can handle multiple blocks?",
      "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Yes, it can." }


Option Default Description
default.* see options.php Sets several defaults for meta tags where necessary, see Meta Cascade
socialMedia.* see options.php Customize the social media accounts field for the site blueprint, disable them with false (Format: 'id' => 'placeholder')
robots.active true Whether the Robots module should be active (Robots.txt & Meta Tags generation)
robots.followPageStatus true Whether an unlisted page should be marked as non-indexable
robots.pageSettings true Whether to have the Robots settings as fields in the tab blueprints
robots.indicator true Show a page indexing state indicator next to the page status
robots.index fn () => !option('debug') Set a general indexing status for the site, can be a callable function, indexing is disallowed for pages with debug enabled by default
robots.sitemap null A link to your sitemap, to be included in your robots.txt
robots.content [] A string or array of robots.txt rules, will fall back to a general Allow/Disallow depending on robots.index
robots.types ['index', 'follow', 'archive', 'imageindex', 'snippet'] Internally used option for available fields and Robots directive types, doesn't need to be changed
generateSchema true Whether to generate Schema.org JSON-LD with the default 'website' type
canonicalIncludesWWW false Whether to include the www. subdomain in the automatically generated canonical URL
dateFormat null Date format for generation of page modified meta tags, will be set automatically by default based on your data.handler
lang en_US Language code to be used in meta tags for single language setups
files.parent null Upload your OG images to a different page, e.g. site.find('assets')
files.template null Upload your OG images with a different template, e.g. image

Options allow you to fine tune the behaviour of the plugin. You can set them in your config.php file:

return [
    'tobimori.seo' => [
        'generateSchema' => true,
        'canonicalIncludesWWW' => false,
        'dateFormat' => 'Y-m-d',
        'robots' => [
            'active' => true,
            'content' => [
                '*' => [
                    'Allow' => ['/'],
                    'Disallow' => ['/kirby', '/panel', '/content']


  • Google pixel length calculation for preview
  • seo/inheritables page blueprint, containing only inheritable fields for use with pages that don't have a frontend representation
  • Social Media Links handling in sameAs schema.org property, and og:see_also meta tag
  • sitemap.xml generation, with multi-lang support
  • Favicon and webmanifest generation
  • SEO Overview page/dashboard
  • Site Verification fields
  • Browser title preview w/ Favicon
  • Social Preview for LinkedIn, Pinterest & Discord

This roadmap is a courtesy and subject to change at any time. New features will be added as soon as I need them for my own projects.

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MIT License Copyright ยฉ 2023 Tobias Mรถritz