
Restructuring Audio Files from the Headspace Guided Meditation App to Reduce Server-Side Bandwidth Costs by more than 40%

Primary LanguageHTML


Restructuring Headspace Guided Meditation Sessions to Reduce Server-Side Bandwidth Costs

Headspace-Bandwidth-Reducer Web App

Youtube Video That Explains the Modified File Structure


The average size of the audio downloaded from the Headspace app is 10.16MB. As is expected with a guided meditation session, a majority of these audio files contain long durations of complete silence. Analyzing 1607 audio files, we can see that an average of 43.77% of each Headspace guided meditation session is complete silence (defined as -50 decibals).

By replacing these periods of extended silence with a client-side process indicating a pause in audio, Headspace can reduce server-side bandwidth usage by more than 40%. Based on the tools created in this project, we can programatically seperate audio files based on silence duration, as well as communicate these silence durations to the Headspace app using a Flask-Based REST API.


File: basics_s1/3.mp3 | Initial Length: 270.40s | Trimmed Length: 128.95s | Total Silence: 141.45s or 52.31%


File: basics_s1/5.mp3 | Initial Length: 390.37s | Trimmed Length: 162.56s | Total Silence: 227.81s or 58.36%


File: basics_s1/10.mp3 | Initial Length: 690.55s | Trimmed Length: 281.58s | Total Silence: 408.97s or 59.22%



I have slow internet speeds in my dorm room, and as a result of this low download speed, Headspace guided meditation sessions often take 30 seconds or more to download. I was curious to see how these files were structured, as Youtube and other media streaming applications did not have this same type of delay. This led me to assume that the download took place before the session began, as guided meditation sessions never buffered or stopped in the middle.

I opened up Charles Proxy and analyzed the network traffic coming from the Headspace app. I was able to find the URL containing the raw Mp3 file of the guided meditation session, so I downloaded it locally and opened it up in audacity.


File opened up in Audacity

I noted 2 interesting things

  • The size of the meditation session that I downloaded was 6.0 MB

  • The "Silence" in the guided meditation session was actual silence

I initially thought that the silence was just a point in which the speaker wasn't talking into the microphone. I assumed that background noise and other sounds were picked up, but they were so quiet that they weren't noticable. I was curious to see what the difference in filesize would be if I removed these durations of silence. Using Audacity, I applied the "Truncate Silence" effect with the parameters indicating a level below -50 decibals, and a duration higher than .01 seconds.

Audacity Truncate Silence Effect

After applying this effect, the filesize was reduced from 6.0 MB to 2.8 MB - A decrease of ~53.34%. After seeing such a large difference in filesize, I began to theorize a way of restructuring all of the Headspace guided meditation sessions to reduce server-side bandwidth costs. By restructuring guided meditation sessions to replace the silence interval with a client-side process we can successfully reduce bandwidth for both Headspace and the user.

Implementation in Pseudo-Code

audioFiles = audio.split(<=50 Decibals)
// Splits Mp3 File at every point equal to or below 50 Decibals
silenceDuration = audio.split(>50 Decibals)
// Splits Mp3 File at every point above 50 Decibals
for i in range(audioFiles.length)
    // Iterates from 0 to the length of audioFiles
    play audioFiles[i]
    // Plays guided meditation session
    pause silenceDuration[i].length
    // Pauses audio on the client end

Actual Implementation

The actual process of programming this can be broken up into 7 different parts.

  1. Create a method of differentiating between sound and silence in an audio file

  2. Create a method of dynamically generating timestamps indicating a duration of extended silence

  3. Create a function to split Audio files at these specified locations

  4. Ensure that no portions of the audio file that contain speech are removed

  5. Split all Headspace guided meditation Mp3 files while preserving timestamps indicating durations of extended silence

  6. Create a way of distributing both the audio files and "Pause" durations to the user

  7. Implement a client-side way of triggering a "Pause" in the audio playing within the Headspace app

#1 & #2

FFMPEG allows us to differentiate between audio and silence. Also using FFMPEG's -d parameter, we can detect extended instances of silence within an audio file. While splitting the audio file at every duration of silence to further reduce filesize is possible, it would result in hundreds of individual files and hundreds of network requests being made per guided meditation session. Ideally audio files should be split at instances of extended silence, for the programs in this repository the extended silence is defined as a period of silence lasting longer than 2 seconds.

Below is the python script that redirects FFMPEG's output from stdout to the variable "tmp", and extracts all duration timestamps. These timestamps are stored in a python dictionary, which is eventually saved as JSON.

# This code is found in bandwidthModifer.py | Lines 79-91
def getSilenceTimestamps(audioFile, duration=2):
  splitPoints = []
  output, tmp = commands.getstatusoutput("ffmpeg -i {} -af silencedetect=noise=-50dB:d={} -f null -".format(audioFile, duration))
  #output, tmp = commands.getstatusoutput("sox -V3 {} newAudio.mp3 silence -l 1 0.0 -50d 1 1.0 -50d : newfile : restart".format(audioFile))
  for i, var in enumerate(str(tmp).split("\n")):
    if "_end" in str(var):
        end, duration = re.findall("\d+\.\d+", str(var))
        start = re.findall("\d+\.\d+", str(tmp.split("\n")[i-1]))[0]
        splitPoints.append({"Start": float(start), "End": float(end), "Duration": float(duration)})
      except Exception as exp:
  return splitPoints

#3, #4, and #5

By splitting the audio files after generating the silence timestamps, we can ensure that there will be no overlap between silence intervals and audio intervals. Additionally, verifications are put in place to prevent errors with FFMPEG's silence durations to ensure that no timestamps overlap in the audio structure.

# This code is found in splitAt.py | Line 20-30
def genNew(jsonFile):
  directory = jsonFile[::-1].partition('/')[2][::-1]
  num = jsonFile.replace(directory, "").replace(".json", "")
  prevTime = 0.0
  os.system("rm -rf {}".format(jsonFile.replace(".json", "")))
  os.system("mkdir {}".format(jsonFile.replace(".json", "")))
  for i, val in enumerate(json.load(open(jsonFile))):
    if float(val["Start"]) < float(prevTime):
    os.system("ffmpeg -i {}/{}.mp3 -c copy -ss {} -to {} {}/{}/{}.mp3".format(directory, num, prevTime, val["Start"], directory, num, i))
    prevTime = val['End']


Distributing the timestamps of periods of extended silence was done using a Flask-Based REST API.

Below you can find an example audio structure that is returned when a GET request is made to the API endpoint: /getStructure/{sessionName}/{sessionDuration}

[{"Duration": 2.44408, "Start": 52.9888, "End": 55.4329},
{"Duration": 2.26122, "Start": 62.3407, "End": 64.6019},
{"Duration": 2.07837, "Start": 66.6247, "End": 68.7031},
{"Duration": 2.28735, "Start": 77.4394, "End": 79.7268},
{"Duration": 2.86204, "Start": 82.246, "End": 85.108},
{"Duration": 3.69796, "Start": 87.157, "End": 90.8549},
{"Duration": 8.89633, "Start": 93.6092, "End": 102.506},
{"Duration": 3.77633, "Start": 108.368, "End": 112.145},
{"Duration": 3.0449, "Start": 117.407, "End": 120.452},
{"Duration": 3.09714, "Start": 123.598, "End": 126.695},
{"Duration": 3.64571, "Start": 129.919, "End": 133.565},
{"Duration": 2.57469, "Start": 136.267, "End": 138.842},
{"Duration": 15.4008, "Start": 147.892, "End": 163.292},
{"Duration": 2.15673, "Start": 170.801, "End": 172.958},
{"Duration": 18.1698, "Start": 187.284, "End": 205.454},
{"Duration": 7.79918, "Start": 217.247, "End": 225.046}]

Interacting with this data is language dependant, but most languages make it relatively easy to work with JSON. The "Duration" key references the duration of silence, "Start" references the point at which the silence began, and "End" references the point at which the silence stopped.

We can also calculate the length of the audio file using something like this:

audioLength = jsonFile[indexNum]["Start"] - jsonFile[indexNum-1]["End"]


Unfortunately, I have no way of either viewing or modifying the way in which the Headspace app serves audio files. However, I have implemented the modified method of distributing audio using both Python and Javascript. Additionally, the way in which silence durations are structured makes it relatively easy to implement #7 using Swift (IOS) or Kotlin (Android).

I began the process of solving issue #7 using a command line utility that can be found by running bandwidthModifer.py directly.

Initial Command Line Interface

CLI Background Code

# This code is found in bandwidthModifier.py | Lines: 117-124
audioFile = 'sampleFile.mp3'
jsonInfo = splitAudio(audioFile)
with open('{}.json'.format(audioFile.partition(".")[0]), 'w') as fp:
  json.dump(jsonInfo, fp)
for i, val in enumerate(jsonInfo):
  os.system("play {}_{}.mp3".format(audioFile.replace(".mp3", ""), i))
  print("Audio Clip {} Completed - Sleeping for {} Seconds".format(i, val["Duration"]))

From a visual standpoint, the CLI was a very ineffective way of displaying the change that was made by switching to an alternate way of structuring the audio files. I created a web app using Flask that better visualized the bandwidth difference between the files.


Web App

Web App "Background" Code

function streamAudio(sessionType, time){
  // This is the function that plays the audio
  // This will stop all playing audio
  var url = "/getStructure/" + sessionType + "/" + time;
  // This will return file structure
  jsonString = httpGet(url);
  // This is the actual file structure
  obVal = JSON.parse(jsonString);
  // Converting string to json so we can interact with it
  window.audioLengthDB = obVal.newInfo;
  // Basically sets the value as global
  var obj = obVal.prevInfo;
  // Old Value is the structure of the file
  var fileName = "static/Mp3/" + sessionType + "/" + time + "/0" + ".mp3";
  // This is the filename for the actual mp3File
  var audio = new Audio(fileName);
  // Creates new audio object - not in the loop because the first val in
  // structure response is 1.mp3 instead of 0.mp3
  // Adds this audio object to the array of audio objects
  // This is there so we can "Stop" all of them when another button is clicked
  fileSizeURL = "/getAllSize/" + sessionType + "/" + time;
  // This is the structure of the api call
  jsonString = httpGet(fileSizeURL);
  // This makes a json request to the flask API to get file size info
  var fileInfo = JSON.parse(jsonString);
  // This contains the information about the file size
  var prevEnd = 0;
  // This sets it to 0 before the loop
  setToPlay(audio, 0, fileName, sessionType, time, 0, fileInfo);
  // This tells the progrma to start playing this audio file in 0 seconds
  // Setting time as 0 will make it play immediately
  oldOutput("<b>Playing " + sessionType + "/" + time + ".mp3" + "</b><br>");
  // Adds the file info to the "OldOutput" div
  // Since this web app is only using the new output method of distributing
  // audio, this is just text saying what the old method *would* have been.
  newOutput("<b>" + sessionType + "/" + time + "/0.mp3 plays for " + (obj[0].End - obj[0].Duration).toFixed(2) + "s" + "</b><br>");
      // This ADDS the new file output to the div
  for (fileIndex in obj) {
    // The json object is a list, so this is the INDEX of all items in the list
    listElem = obj[fileIndex];
    // This assigns listElem as the actual object rather than the index number
    var tempNum = parseInt(fileIndex) + 1;
    // This tells it to start at 1.mp3 instead of 0.mp3
    if (tempNum < obj.length) {
      // This makes it iterate through all mp3 files
      var fileName = "static/Mp3/" + sessionType + "/" + time + "/" + tempNum + ".mp3";
      // Assigns filename of the mp3 file being played
      var audio = new Audio(fileName);
      // Creates new audio object
      // Adds this audio object to the array of audio objects
      // This is there so we can "Stop" all of them when another button is clicked
      newOutput("<b>time.sleep(" + listElem.Duration + ")" + "</b><br>");
      // This ADDS the sleep output after this file to the div
      newOutput("<b>" + sessionType + "/" + time + "/" + tempNum + ".mp3 plays for " + (obj[tempNum].End - obj[tempNum].Duration).toFixed(2) + "s" + "</b><br>");
      // This ADDS the new file output to the div
      setToPlay(audio, listElem.End*1000, fileName, sessionType, time, tempNum, fileInfo);
      // This sets an event to play the audio file at obj['end'] - prevElem

Please don't judge this code too harshly. My skillset does not include Javascript, and this is pretty much the first project that I've done that's used Javascript this heavily...

Example: basics_S1/3.Mp3

Original File Served by Headspace | 4373.55 kB

[{"Duration": 2.44408, "Start": 52.9888, "End": 55.4329},
{"Duration": 2.26122, "Start": 62.3407, "End": 64.6019},
{"Duration": 2.07837, "Start": 66.6247, "End": 68.7031},
{"Duration": 2.28735, "Start": 77.4394, "End": 79.7268},
{"Duration": 2.86204, "Start": 82.246, "End": 85.108},
{"Duration": 3.69796, "Start": 87.157, "End": 90.8549},
{"Duration": 8.89633, "Start": 93.6092, "End": 102.506},
{"Duration": 3.77633, "Start": 108.368, "End": 112.145},
{"Duration": 3.0449, "Start": 117.407, "End": 120.452},
{"Duration": 3.09714, "Start": 123.598, "End": 126.695},
{"Duration": 3.64571, "Start": 129.919, "End": 133.565},
{"Duration": 2.57469, "Start": 136.267, "End": 138.842},
{"Duration": 15.4008, "Start": 147.892, "End": 163.292},
{"Duration": 2.15673, "Start": 170.801, "End": 172.958},
{"Duration": 18.1698, "Start": 187.284, "End": 205.454},
{"Duration": 7.79918, "Start": 217.247, "End": 225.046}]

JSON Returned from /getStructure/basics_s1/3

New File Structure | 2570.88 kB

Bandwidth Reduction: 41.22%

Example: basics_S1/5.Mp3

Original File Served by Headspace | 6152.12 kB

[{"Duration": 2.41796, "Start": 43.8721, "End": 46.29},
{"Duration": 3.01878, "Start": 61.6615, "End": 64.6802},
{"Duration": 3.09714, "Start": 74.2786, "End": 77.3758},
{"Duration": 4.14204, "Start": 90.5529, "End": 94.6949},
{"Duration": 2.78367, "Start": 104.999, "End": 107.782},
{"Duration": 6.54531, "Start": 113.253, "End": 119.799},
{"Duration": 13.7551, "Start": 127.49, "End": 141.245},
{"Duration": 2.39184, "Start": 149.276, "End": 151.668},
{"Duration": 2.54857, "Start": 156.799, "End": 159.348},
{"Duration": 3.09714, "Start": 162.99, "End": 166.088},
{"Duration": 9.73224, "Start": 171.977, "End": 181.709},
{"Duration": 2.49633, "Start": 190.158, "End": 192.654},
{"Duration": 2.10449, "Start": 202.226, "End": 204.331},
{"Duration": 3.95918, "Start": 208.809, "End": 212.768},
{"Duration": 7.32898, "Start": 215.288, "End": 222.617},
{"Duration": 32.929, "Start": 231.066, "End": 263.995},
{"Duration": 33.4776, "Start": 270.615, "End": 304.092},
{"Duration": 18.7445, "Start": 316.695, "End": 335.439},
{"Duration": 2.10449, "Start": 347.728, "End": 349.833}]

JSON Returned from /getStructure/basics_s1/5

New File Structure | 3533.43 kB

Bandwidth Reduction: 42.57%

In Conclusion

A restructure of Headspace guided meditation sessions would result in a significant decrease in server-side bandwidth costs. A decrease in filesize would increase the speed of the Headspace app, as well as decrease the data consumption of the app itself.

While I'm not able to view the percentage of users that start a session without completing it, I would imagine this encompasses a fairly significant amount of users. By splitting the audio files in the way described in this repository, it would allow Headspace to distribute the file in parts rather than having the user download the entire file before starting a session. Distributing the file in parts would also allow Headspace to gather more detailed/accurate analytics regarding the length that users are listening to the session.

I want to emphasize that a restructure of audio files would be completely indistinguishable from the user's perspective.

PS. If Headspace is looking for Software Engineering Interns for the Summer of 2018, please let me know. I really love your app, and I would love to join the team in LA :)

My Email: ChristopherLambert106@gmail.com