Android Coding Challenge

We appreciate you taking the time to participate and submit a coding challenge. In the next step we would like you to implement a list of image dispaly feature with unit and/or integration tests that fetches data from The SpaceX API

Below you will find a list of tasks and limitations required for completing the challenge.


  • Users can see space x detailed launches information
  • Users can see description of the launches.
  • Users can bookmark any launches and view them later.(Don't worry about sending the information to the cloud, saving it locally is good)


  • test accordingly
  • use Jetpack Compose
  • Documentation of technical decisions you make during the challenge.
  • The API implementation and the architecture of the code is completely up to you.

What if I don't finish?

Try to produce something that is at least minimally functional. Part of the exercise is to see what you prioritize first when you have a limited amount of time. For any unfinished tasks, please add comments to your code with a short explanation. You will be given an opportunity later to go into more detail and explain how you would go about finishing those tasks.

Have fun! that is the most important thing! Looking forward to your submission!