Friends Management API demo


API Document

API Authentication

In real production environment, API needs authentication. The following steps are the common API authentication desgin:

  • When user login, get a JWT signed by server side, which contains user account info (user id/email)
  • Each API sent by user, need to add JWT in HTTP headers
  • On processing user request, server side will validate the JWT

Desgin details

API Error Response

  "success": false,
  "errorMsg": "xxxx"

User Stories

1. As a user, I need an API to create a friend connection between two email addresses.

API: POST /friendship/connection

The API should receive the following JSON request:


The API should return the following JSON response on success:

  "success": true

Please propose JSON responses for any errors that might occur.

2. As a user, I need an API to retrieve the friends list for an email address.

API: POST /friendship/connection/all

The API should receive the following JSON request:

  email: ''

The API should return the following JSON response on success:

  "success": true,
  "friends" :
  "count" : 1   

Please propose JSON responses for any errors that might occur.

3. As a user, I need an API to retrieve the common friends list between two email addresses.

API: POST /friendship/connection/common

The API should receive the following JSON request:


The API should return the following JSON response on success:

  "success": true,
  "friends" :
  "count" : 1   

Please propose JSON responses for any errors that might occur.

4. As a user, I need an API to subscribe to updates from an email address.

API: POST /friendship/subscribe

Please note that "subscribing to updates" is NOT equivalent to "adding a friend connection".

The API should receive the following JSON request:

  "requestor": "",
  "target": ""

The API should return the following JSON response on success:

  "success": true

Please propose JSON responses for any errors that might occur.

5. As a user, I need an API to block updates from an email address.

API: POST /friendship/block

Suppose "" blocks "":

  • if they are connected as friends, then "andy" will no longer receive notifications from "john"
  • if they are not connected as friends, then no new friends connection can be added
  • (Potential requirement) if "andy" wants to connect to "john", the new connection will be added, and "andy" will no longer block "john"

The API should receive the following JSON request:

  "requestor": "",
  "target": ""

The API should return the following JSON response on success:

  "success": true

Please propose JSON responses for any errors that might occur.

6. As a user, I need an API to retrieve all email addresses that can receive updates from an email address.

API: POST /friendship/update-recipients

Eligibility for receiving updates from i.e. "":

The API should receive the following JSON request:

  "sender":  "",
  "text": "Hello World!"

The API should return the following JSON response on success:

  "success": true

Please propose JSON responses for any errors that might occur.

DB schema

CREATE TABLE `friend_connection` (
  `user_a` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `user_b` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

CREATE TABLE `friendship_filter` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `filter_type` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `filter_object` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `filter_subject` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Friendship connection

Table friend_connection is used to persist the friendship connection. If user X create Connection with user Y, there will be only one record added in the table.

If in alphabetical order, X < Y, then the record is [user_a=X, user_b=Y]. If in alphabetical order, Y < X, then the record is [user_a=Y, user_b=X].

Update Subscription & Block function

Table friendship_filter is used to persist these two records. filter_type can be either SUBS(subscribe), BLOCK, filter_subject is requestor, filter_object is the target.

If there is an existing record user X subscribe Y, then the following user X block Y will update the existing record.

how to build

$./gradlew clean build

Database Schema Setup

use 'schema.sql' to setup mysql DB schema