Thermopack is a thermodynamic model library for fluid properties and PVT calculations
- 99baba
- aball1999
- ailoaNorway
- AlMiETTrondheim
- bjodah
- carlosmd92
- chemicstryLithuania
- cwcobb
- Etnerant
- fedebenelliIPQA - CONICET
- g-bauerUniversity of Stuttgart
- giovanni-marianoENEA
- GiuSirianniPolitecnico di Milano
- Govnavid
- hyejeoncNTNU
- jenrei
- jscilipoti
- laodsDNV Digital Solutions
- longemen3000Chile
- morteham
- olavgalSINTEF Energy Research
- panyaoyuBeijing, China
- pareal
- rafaelgioriaEscola Politécnica - USP
- RPeter18
- shahmoradiUniversity of Texas
- shaw-yu2020
- simulkadeTechnical University of Denmark
- stankome
- StigHaraldGustavsenNorway
- tadeu@ESSS
- TomithyYang
- vegardjervell
- volpatto@ESSS
- Voltaire-000
- ysyecustBS@ECUST, PhD@ECUST