
Latex Template for Thesis Writing at DTETI UGM

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

Latex Template for Thesis Writing at DTETI UGM


This template can be used for bachelor, master, and doctoral thesis at DTETI UGM, even though for the last one, it still can be considered as a "beta" release. Send me email or create pull-request if you have improvements for this template.

What's new

[2020-01-28] You can use command \printendorsementpdf to include your own pdf file containing the endorsement. Otherwise, use \printendorsement


Read the detailed information in thesis_template.tex. In case some sty files are not available in your TeX installation, just copy the required one from packages/ directory into the same directory as thesis_template.tex. Hopefully this will help beginner users.


Main files

|-- thesisdtetiugm.cls (Class file)
|-- thesis_template.tex (The template file)

Content directory

This directory and the subdirectories are not compulsory. I arranged in such a way to make it easier in writing.

|-- contents/
    |-- nomenclature/
    	|-- nomenclature.tex
    |-- statement/
    	|-- statement.tex
    |-- endorsement/
    	|-- endorsement.pdf
    |-- preface/
    	|-- preface.tex
    |-- abstract/
    	|-- abstract.tex
        |-- intisari.tex
    |-- chapter-1/
    	|-- chapter-1.tex
    |-- chapter-2/
    	|-- chapter-2.tex
        |-- sample-fig.png
    |-- chapter-3/
    	|-- chapter-3.tex
    |-- chapter-4/
    	|-- chapter-4.tex
    |-- chapter-5/
    	|-- chapter-5.tex
    |-- appendix/
    	|-- appendix.tex

Additional files

|-- packages/ (Additional sty files for helping beginner users)
|-- references.bib (Bibtex file)

Sample directory

Only used for template sample.

|-- sample/
    |-- logougm.png
    |-- sample_code.m
    |-- scanned-endorsement.jpg
    |-- scanned-statement.jpg


MIT License