
:milky_way: A Gallery module inspired by iOS photos app subtle parallax

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🌌 Canvas Gallery

A gallery module inspired by iOS photos app's subtle parallax effect. 33kb compressed. See a demo on codepen.

'Canvas Gallery Demo'

myGallery = new Gallery({
    el: document.getElementById( 'gallery' ),
    maxHight: 600,


  • el { DOM node } - The element to extract slides from.
  • maxWidth { number } - The maximum width of the gallery.
  • maxHeight { number } - The maxiumum height of the gallery.
  • fluid { boolean = true } - Whether or not to scale the gallery to the window width.
  • keyboard { boolean = true } - Whether to add keyboard support.
  • keyBoardTransitionDuration { number = 500 } - The length of the transition when the left / right arrows are pressed.
  • touch { boolean = true } - Whether to add touch support.
  • slideSelector { string = '.gallery__item' } - QuerySelector to retreive slide items.
  • parallaxAmount { number = 0.25 } - a number between 0 and 1 representing the amount of left/right parallax to be applied to the slide as it's moved across the canvas.


  • on( eventName, callback) { function } - Attaches a callback to an event. The callback is passed an event object containing the following properties:
    • numSlides { number } - The number of slides in the gallery.
    • currentSlide { number } - The zero-based index of the currently selected slide.
    • Events:
      • ready - When the gallery has been instantiated and all public properties are available. Useful for doing things like setting up pagination. Ex:
      myGallery.on( 'ready', function( e ) {
          // Do stuff with the event here
      • update - When the current slide has changed. Useful for doing things like updating pagination. Ex:
      myGallery.on( 'update', function( e ) {
          // Do stuff with the event here
  • goTo( slideNumber [, duration = 250] ) { function } - Advances the gallery to the specified slide, if possible.
    • slideNumber { number } - The zero-based index of the slide to move to.
    • duration { number = 250 } - Optional transition duration when moving to the specified slide.pre
  • next { function } - Attempts to advance to the next slide.
  • previous { function } - Attempts to advance to the previous slide.
  • currentSlide { property } - The zero-based index of the current slide.
  • destroy { function } - Destroys the Gallery instance.