
Deep Q-learning approach to OpenAI Gym's Lunar Lander

Primary LanguagePython

Lunar Lander

CS7642 Project 2: OpenAI’s Lunar Lander problem, an 8-dimensional state space and 4-dimensional action space problem. The goal was to create an agent that can guide a space vehicle to land autonomously in the environment without crashing.

This is an implementation of Double Deep Q-learning with experience replay trained with 5000 epochs.

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pip install keras gym[all] numpy


  • main.py is the reinforcement learning agent
    • Run python main.py to start training the agent
    • Set viewOnly = True to load saved neural network weights and render results from trained agent


  • Trained agent model is saved in the weights/ directory as trained_agent.h5
  • Trained agent result (reward vs episode) is saved in the results/ directory as trained_agent.txt
  • Hyperparameter search results (reward vs episode) is saved in the results/ directory as files in alpha search and gamma search
  • Performance graphs are found in the graphs/ directory

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