Happy Birthday Card

A Customizable Web-based birthday card to wish your friends and family in a unique way.

Check out the Previews -

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How to setup

Here are the methods to set it up for yourself.

Remote Deployment

  • Vercel Deploy

    Deploy with Vercel

  • Netlify Deploy

    Deploy with NEtlify

Remote deployment will require you to specify some mandatory environmental variables,

  • NAME: Name of the receiver.
  • PIC: Url of the pic to be loaded in the card. If don't have the image hosted somewhere, you may publish a telegra.ph article with your image and copy the image address from there.

To know more about the environment variables, check References.

For Local Building

  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/AnshumanMahato/Happy-Birthday-Card
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Add a pic of the receiver, in the ./local directory. Ensure that the image is of a 1:1 ratio or it might get cropped and squished.

  2. Create a .env file in the root directory, and add the following lines.

 NAME='Name of the Receiever'
  1. Execute the following commands in order.
 npm run init-index-local
 npm run build:parcel
  1. Upon Successful execution, your built files will be ready in the ./dist directory. Open ./dist/index.html to see the card.

For further customization, check out here.



If you have any queries or need some help in deployment, you may contact me here

Made with 💖 by Anshuman Mahato