- 1
Document how to add MessageOptions
#381 opened by UnaiUribarri-TomTom - 6
name clash: clearExtension
#360 opened by ahjohannessen - 4
- 5
No jar is generated
#358 opened by dudo - 0
- 1
- 1
- 2
Windows 10: Could not find or load main class protocbridge.frontend.BridgeApp
#215 opened by thesamet - 2
- 4
- 2
protoc downloaded twice
#304 opened by brandon-leapyear - 2
optional fields not supported
#315 opened by marvelfrozen - 1
sbt-protoc error File does not reside within any path specified using --proto_path (or -I). You must specify a --proto_path which encompasses this file
#316 opened by rajcspsg - 5
Plugin not always triggers scala classes rebuild.
#307 opened by fido-node - 2
Plugin dependency resolution error on sbt 1.5+
#314 opened by dkichler - 2
Can't download 0.99.29+ for sbt 0.13
#301 opened by mbrito-yieldstreet - 6
- 2
proto files from external directories not picked up
#277 opened by rabejens - 3
Add ability to opt-out of automatic source generation
#268 opened by ciuncan - 4
- 8
Allow disabling `ScalaPB-Options-Proto`
#249 opened by plaflamme - 5
Add support for Apple M1
#235 opened by wangjia184 - 3
- 1
Migrating out of Bintray
#240 opened by alpex92 - 5
publish to maven central instead of bintray
#236 opened by xuwei-k - 7
Intermittent crash with protoc not found
#179 opened by adampauls - 8
- 2
sbt-protoc 1.0.0 can't download protoc
#212 opened by sideeffffect - 10
Use scalapb-protoc with Dotty
#81 opened by lodo1995 - 1
include_std_types no longer supported
#210 opened by raboof - 10
Support for sandboxed nix builds
#209 opened by jonringer - 5
ProtocPlugin should not activate for all projects in a multi-project build
#197 opened by jeffrey-aguilera - 4
Experimental optional fields
#201 opened by tampler - 2
PB.protocVersion scope
#175 opened by thesamet - 1
crash on sbt initialization with 1.2.x
#182 opened by bjaglin - 3
How to set custom OutputStream to protoc-jar
#172 opened by xuwei-k - 0
- 0
clean up sbt-tests
#146 opened by thesamet - 1
Update example multi-with-external-jar
#145 opened by thesamet - 4
Generating code from 'external' proto files
#144 opened by raboof - 7
gRPC-web protoc plugin
#138 opened by steinybot - 4
Refer generated class files in sub projects
#137 opened by sidtandon2014 - 3
Lots of warnings from wartremover and scapegoat
#124 opened by steinybot - 2
Unicode arrow compilation warnings in Scala 2.13
#123 opened by steinybot - 2
- 3
- 5
#96 opened - 4
Unable to create scala classes
#93 opened by AjitTK - 1
- 3