
Automation Testing Facebook Login Page Using Selenium

Primary LanguagePython


The program is an automation script that utilizes Selenium WebDriver to perform a login test on the Facebook website.

The program starts by initializing the Chrome driver using the appropriate Chromedriver file path. Then, it opens the Facebook page using the get() method.

Once the page is open, the program locates the email input element and enters the specified email using the send_keys() method. It then finds the password input element and enters the specified password.

Next, the program waits for the "Login" button to become interactive using WebDriverWait and expected_conditions. Once the button is clickable, the program clicks on it using the click() method.

After clicking the "Login" button, the program waits for 20 seconds using time.sleep() to allow time for the login process before terminating. Finally, the program closes the Chrome browser by calling the quit() method on the driver object.

This program is useful for automating the login process on Facebook, enabling automated testing or other tasks that require logging into a Facebook account.