
A repo for running Lit+SSR demos using v3.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A repo for running Lit+SSR demos using v3.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run npm ci


  • npm run demo:greeting
  • npm run demo:async
  • npm run demo:document (server only templates example)
  • npm run demo:page (server only "components" example, e.g. no DSD - experimental)
  • npm run demo:bundle

Greeting ✅

This is the Greeting example taken from the Lit playground and following this section of the docs to demonstrate basic server rendering of a LitElement.

import { html, css, LitElement} from 'lit';

class SimpleGreeting extends LitElement {
  static styles = css`p { color: blue }`;

  static properties = {
    name: {type: String},

  constructor() {
    this.name = 'Somebody';

  render() {
    return html`<p>Hello, ${this.name}!</p>`;
customElements.define('simple-greeting', SimpleGreeting);

The code is in greeting.js and you can run it with npm run demo:greeting. The output is as expected with the attribute value being reflected in the output.

  greetingHtml: '\n' +
    '  <simple-greeting  name="World"><template shadowroot="open" shadowrootmode="open"><style>p { color: blue }</style><!--lit-part EvGichL14uw=--><p>Hello, <!--lit-part-->World<!--/lit-part-->!</p><!--/lit-part--></template></simple-greeting>\n'

This is the "document" example taken from this GitHub issue and following this section of the docs, primarily to demonstrate rendering a full HTML document on the server.

import { render, html } from '@lit-labs/ssr';
import { collectResult } from '@lit-labs/ssr/lib/render-result.js'

const template = ({ title, lang }) => html`
  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="${lang}">
      <!-- Works within a server only template -->

const ssrResult = render(template({ title: 'My Website', lang: 'en'}));
const ssrContent = await collectResult(ssrResult);

console.log({ ssrContent });

The code is in document.js and you can run it with npm run demo:document, though currently getting an error about invalid locations though?

        throw new Error(errorMsg);
    Unexpected final partIndex: 2 !== 3 while processing the following template:

  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="${...}">
      <!-- Works within a server only template -->

    This could be because you're attempting to render an expression in an invalid location. See
    https://lit.dev/docs/templates/expressions/#invalid-locations for more information about invalid expression

edit: Looks like its the lang=${...} bit. If I remove it, it works fine. I guess the question is if its intentional that it should work or not in this case, since the docs do indicate attribute are not allowed. Opened an issue with the Lit team.

  ssrContent: '\n' +
    '  <!DOCTYPE html>\n' +
    '  <html>\n' +
    '    <head>\n' +
    '      <!-- Works within a server only template -->\n' +
    '      <title>My Website</title>\n' +
    '    </head>\n' +
    '    <body>\n' +
    '      <p>My Website</p>\n' +
    '    </body>\n' +
    '  </html>\n'

There are cases where doing async work on the server would be nice, like fetching data or reading from the filesystem. As an example:

This doesn't seem supported yet but a PR is in draft to expose these capabilities.

import { html, css, LitElement} from 'lit';

async function getGreeting() {
  return Promise.resolve('ASYNC');

class SimpleGreeting extends LitElement {
  static properties = {
    name: {type: String},

  async connectedCallback() {
    this.name = await getGreeting();

  render() {
    return html`<p>Hello, ${until(greetingLoader)}!</p>`;

customElements.define('simple-greeting', SimpleGreeting);

But the contents just come out empty.

  greetingHtml: '\n' +
    '  <simple-greeting><template shadowroot="open" shadowrootmode="open"><!--lit-part EvGichL14uw=--><p>Hello, <!--lit-part--><!--/lit-part-->!</p><!--/lit-part--></template></simple-greeting>\n'

edit: from a call with the Lit team, they were not familiar with that async demo referenced and confirmed it would only have worked with hacks involved, so only current option would be to build the linked PR above from source.

There is also this demo referenced in the linked issue, but I couldn't get it working; greetingLoader.then worked, but the template contents were empty. Not sure if that's because that demo is using Lit 2.x_?

import { html, css, LitElement} from 'lit';
import {until} from 'lit/directives/until.js'

async function getGreeting() {
  return Promise.resolve('ASYNC');

class SimpleGreeting extends LitElement {
  static styles = css`p { color: blue }`;

  static properties = {
    name: {type: String},

  render() {
    const greetingLoader = getGreeting();
    greetingLoader.then(greeting => console.log({ greeting }));

    return html`<p>Hello, ${until(greetingLoader)}!</p>`;

customElements.define('simple-greeting', SimpleGreeting);

Server Only Components / No DSD❓

Similar in spirit to Server Only Templates, this "page" example demonstrates what it would be like if we could use the LitElement component model but "unwrap" the Declarative Shadow DOM / SSR somehow and just get straight HTML, no shadow dom. The motivation is to be able to support Greenwood's custom element as pages feature.

Though as pointed out in a call with the Lit team, that's kind of already what server only templates do I suppose, but combined with async support in components / SSR, this what a dynamic page server rendered could look like in a file-based routing context.

// pages/products.js
import { LitElement } from 'lit';
import { html } from '@lit-labs/ssr';
import './card.js';

export default class ProductsPage extends LitElement {
  constructor() {
    this.products = [];

  // assuming this worked to escape from the Shadow DOM
  createRenderRoot() {
    return this;

  // assuming we get some sort of async support
  async connectedCallback() {
    this.products = await fetch('http://example.com/api/products').then(resp => resp.json());

  render() {
    const { products } = this;

    return html`
        products.map((product, idx) => {
          const { title, thumbnail } = product;
          return html`
              title="${idx + 1}) ${title}"

customElements.define('products-page', GreetingPage);

As it stands, currently a couple things are a bit of an issue, based on the current output

  ssrContent: '\n' +
    '  <greeting-page><template shadowroot="open" shadowrootmode="open"><!--lit-part ciKPcCd10pU=--><simple-greeting  name="World" defer-hydration><template shadowroot="open" shadowrootmode="open"><style>p { color: blue }</style><!--lit-part EvGichL14uw=--><p>Hello, <!--lit-part-->World<!--/lit-part-->!</p><!--/lit-part--></template></simple-greeting><!--/lit-part--></template></greeting-page>\n'
  1. We're stuck with a wrapping <template>, which is part of Lit, as they are DSD only. So will have to hack around that in the meantime to extract the Light DOM only content?
  2. Still getting hydration markers (<!--lit-part-->) but I suppose this would be fine with or without hydration? Even when using the Server Only Templates based html function.

Bundling ✅

This demo is for testing the ability to entirely bundle Lit's SSR capabilities, like if bundling and deploying to a server or Lambda environment. Currently using Rollup for this and a basic test in handler.js.

import { render } from '@lit-labs/ssr';
import { collectResult } from '@lit-labs/ssr/lib/render-result.js'
import { html } from 'lit';
import './components/simple-greeting.js';

const template = (name) => html`
  <simple-greeting .name="${name}"></simple-greeting>

export async function handler(data) {
  const { name } = data;
  const ssrResult = render(template(name));
  const contents = await collectResult(ssrResult);

  console.log({ contents });

  return new Response(contents, { 
    headers: new Headers({
      'Content-Type': 'text/html'

(async () => {
  await handler({ 'name': 'handler' });
This was actually resolved by extending rollup.config.js nodeResolve plugin to support "node" as an exportCondition

Getting an error that HTMLElement is undefined from the bundled output.

    ➜  lit-v3-ssr-demo git:(master) ✗ npm run demo:bundle   

    # ...

    ReferenceError: HTMLElement is not defined
        at file:///Users/owenbuckley/Workspace/github/lit-v3-ssr-demo/build/handler.dist.js:206:752
        at ModuleJob.run (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:193:25)
        at async Promise.all (index 0)
        at async ESMLoader.import (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:530:24)
        at async loadESM (node:internal/process/esm_loader:91:5)
        at async handleMainPromise (node:internal/modules/run_main:65:12)

Interestingly, just running the unbundled version things work fine

  ➜  lit-v3-ssr-demo git:(master) ✗ npm run demo:no-bundle

  # ...

    contents: '\n' +
      '  <style>p { color: blue }</style>

Hello, handler!

\n' +
