
The website displays the sensor data stored in Firebase and can filter through the data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The website is made using ReactJs framework and displays the sensor data stored in Firebase and can filter through the data

Sample Login

Since only admins can add new users, to check out the app or website use: xyz@abcd.com 12345678

Running in dev mode


npm i


npm start

Making Production build


npm build

Adding to github pages

Run on main branch

git checkout main

Edit first line of package.json

  "homepage": "https://{igithub-id}.github.io/{repo-name}",
  "name": "envmon-website",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "private": true,

Creating Docker Container

Run on Docker branch

git checkout Docker

Run from directory which has the Dockerfile

docker build -t {your_dockerhub_id}/{image_name}:{image_tag (ex: alpine)} .

To run the container run

docker run -it  -p {any_port}:80 {your_dockerhub_id/{image_name}:{image_tag (ex: alpine)}