
Slimbox SE - Slimbox SWF Edition :]

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The ultimate lightweight Lightbox clone
... now using the jQuery javascript library
+ ... now providing SWF preview
+ ... now providing error handling

(c) Christophe Beyls 2007-2009 for Slimbox v2.02 http://code.google.com/p/slimbox/
(c) Stefan E. Christiansen 200 for Slimbox SE extension, http://github.com/thesec/slimbox-se/

MIT-style license

Included files:

+ example.html		A simple example page demonstrating how to use Slimbox SE.
+ img/example.jpg		An example image used on the example page.
+ img/*.gif			Slimbox images you can edit to customize Slimbox' appearance
+ swf/example.swf		An example SWF used on the example page.
+ css/*				The Slimbox stylesheets. You can edit to customize Slimbox appearance.
+ jsSrc/*.js			The Slimbox SE sources. Contains many comments and is not suitable for production use (needs to be minified first).
+ js/*.js				The minified versions of above JS'.
+ README				The file you are reading.

Slimbox 2 requires the jQuery library (version 1.2.6 or more recent) to be installed on your website in order to work properly.
Slimbox SE requires the swfobject library (version 2.2 or more recent) to be installed on your website in order to work properly.

You can remove or customize the provided autoload code block by editing the autoload.js file. By default, it behaves like Lightbox.

When deploying slimboxSE.js, you MUST always preserve the copyright notice at the beginning of the file.

If you are a developer and want to edit the provided source code, it is strongly recommended to minify the script using "YUI Compressor"
by Julien Lecomte before distribution. It will strip spaces and comments and shrink the variable names in order to obtain the smallest file size.

Have fun!