Note: this is a study project and is only meant to give you ideas or serve for educational purposes. For this reason, certain things might be implemented non-optimally or incorrectly.
- run with:
make run-dev or make run
- build with:
make build
- test with:
make test
- css,html,js static building with:
npm run dev
- minimalistic blogging web-app
- admin panel for managing posts and users
- HTMX to reduce full-page rerenderings
- postgres database
- MVC code structure
- UI components with DaisyUI and tailwind.
- light and dark mode supported.
- Go language
- Golang's html/template
- Tailwind + DaisyUI + Vercel for static building
- Postgresql
- Boredstack repository from Anthdm
- Web Development w/ Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language from Todd McLeod
export POSTGRESQL_URL='postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable'