
An active python community working on solving queries and sharing knowledge with GitHub discussions.

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💬 Python-Community-Discussions 🗨

Introducing the open-source python community for the developers and by the developers. This is the open-source repository where anyone willing to contribute is always welcomed. Check out CONTRIBUTING.md for more information.

What's in it for you?

  • Say hello to everyone in the discussion and tell us about your skills and experiences
  • Get your questions answered and help others by answering theirs.
  • Share your creative ideas about improving this community.
  • Showcase you previous works as a motivation for others and get feedback from experts.
  • Resources to get you started and sharpening the skills.
  • And lot of things coming from you.
  • Feel Free to Ask anything without any hesitation.

➡Check out useful python resources by the community.⬅

We carry out different types of discussions here to help everyone learn new things, get their questions answered and showcase their works. We are just starting out so you can also help us improve content of the repository just like this README file.

To start the new discussion go to discussions section of this repository or click here and select the category related to the discussion you want to start.

Before starting a discussion, visit DISCUSSIONS.md to know more about the types of discussions available. Also Read our Code of Coduct to keep our community approachable and respectable.

Add yourself to Contributors

Replace <github-username> with your GitHub username in this guide.

1. Add your profile information

Fork this repository and create a markdown file in Contributors folder following the convention <github-username>.md. Ex.


Copy the following template into your file, delete the boilerplate data and fill the information with yours.

name: FULLNAME-OR-NICKNAME # No longer than 28 characters
designation: YOUR-DESIGNATION # No longer than 58 characters
tech-stack: TECHNOLOGIES-YOU-KNOW # Not more than 5 technologies

For example:

name: Shantanu Nighot
github_user: magbanum
designation: Python web developer
tech-stack: Python, Django, MongoDB, HTML & CSS, Git
website: https://magbanum.live

Do not use special characters in the template above.

2. Write a Good Commit Message

You have written some code in your branch, and are ready to commit. So, make sure to written good, clean commit messages. Let's review the anatomy of a commit message.

First line, no more than 50 characters

Details section, as long as you want. Not always necessary, but
available if you need it. Wrapped at 72 characters. Present imperative
tense is preferred for commits. That means "fix bug", not "fixes bug" or
"fixed bug".

- Use bullets if you need
- Bullets are a good way to summarize a few things

If you have too much info here, it might be a good candidate to break
down into multiple commits. You can use emoji here too :sparkles:


3. Lastly, submit your Pull Request

Go through the checklist on the pull request template to guarantee your submission is valid. Our team will review your application, approve and merge your submission if everything is correct. Otherwise, you will get notified of the changes requested in the pull request comment section.

Note: Name your Pull Request as Add YOUR-NAME for example Add Shantanu Nighot.

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