Hey there 👋, I'm Shubham Kothiya

With a passion for creating innovative products and a commitment to staying at the forefront of change, I bring my A-game to every project, solving complex problems and crafting cutting-edge tech that transforms lives..

About me

  • 🏫 I am a Student 1st year MSSE(DataScience) at SanJose State University .
  • 🏆I was Lead of Google developer Student Club -PPSU Community 2022-2023
  • 💻 I am a competitive programmer at Codechef,GFG, Leetcode.
  • 🤓 Forever, a learner....

Connect with me

Gmail GitHub LinkedIn

Languages and Tools:

c cplusplus java dart flutter docker spring nodejs firebase mongodb mysql postman aws git

🌟 Online Coding Profiles:

🎖️ Hactoberfest badges

@Shubham's's Holopin board


Github Stats


