
NVIDIA Ray Tracing Denoiser

Primary LanguageHLSLOtherNOASSERTION

NVIDIA Real-time Denoisers v3.3.1 (NRD)


See NRD sample project.



NVIDIA Real-Time Denoisers (NRD) is a spatio-temporal API agnostic denoising library. The library has been designed to work with low rpp (ray per pixel) signals. NRD is a fast solution that slightly depends on input signals and environment conditions.

NRD includes the following denoisers:

  • REBLUR - recurrent blur based denoiser
  • RELAX - SVGF based denoiser using clamping to fast history to minimize temporal lag, has been designed for RTXDI (RTX Direct Illumination)
  • SIGMA - shadow-only denoiser

Supported signal types (modulated irradiance can be used instead of radiance):

  • RELAX:
    • Diffuse radiance
    • Specular radiance
    • Diffuse radiance, ambient occlusion (AO) or directional occlusion
    • Specular radiance, specular occlusion (SO)
  • SIGMA:
    • Shadows from an infinite light source (sun, moon)
    • Shadows from a local light source (omni, spot)
    • Shadows from multiple sources (experimental).

NRD is distributed as a source as well with a “ready-to-use” library (if used in a precompiled form). It can be integrated into any DX12, VULKAN or DX11 engine using 2 methods:

  1. Native implementation of the NRD API using engine capabilities
  2. Integration via an abstraction layer. In this case, the engine should expose native Graphics API pointers for certain types of objects. The integration layer, provided as a part of SDK, can be used to simplify this kind of integration.

Build instructions

  • Install Cmake 3.15+
  • Install on
    • Windows: latest WindowsSDK (22000+), VulkanSDK (1.3.204+)
    • Linux (x86-64): latest VulkanSDK
    • Linux (aarch64): find a precompiled binary for DXC or disable shader compilation NRD_DISABLE_SHADER_COMPILATION=OFF
  • Build (variant 1) - using Git and CMake explicitly
    • Clone project and init submodules
    • Generate and build the project using CMake
  • Build (variant 2) - by running scripts:
    • Run 1-Deploy
    • Run 2-Build

CMake options

  • NRD_DXC_CUSTOM_PATH = "custom/path/to/dxc" - custom DXC to use if Vulkan SDK is not installed
  • NRD_SHADER_OUTPUT_PATH - shader output path override
  • NRD_DISABLE_SHADER_COMPILATION - disable shader compilation (shaders can be compiled on another platform)
  • NRD_USE_PRECOMPILED_SHADERS - use precompiled shaders (will be embedded into the library)
  • NRD_STATIC_LIBRARY - build static library
  • NRD_STATIC_CPP_RUNTIME - link static C++ runtime (Linux only), on Windows use CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY
  • NRD_CROSSCOMPILE_AARCH64 - cross compilation for aarch64
  • NRD_CROSSCOMPILE_X86_64 - cross compilation for x86_64
  • NRD_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION - interprocedural optimization

Tested platforms

OS Architectures Compilers
Windows AMD64 MSVC, Clang
Linux AMD64, ARM64 GCC, Clang

NRD SDK package generation

  • Compile the solution (Debug / Release or both, depending on what you want to get in NRD package)
  • Run 3-Prepare NRD SDK
  • Grab generated in the root directory _NRD_SDK and _NRI_SDK (if needed) folders and use them in your project


Integration Method 1: Black-box library (using the application-side Render Hardware Interface)

RHI must have the ability to do the following:

  • Create shaders from precompiled binary blobs
  • Create an SRV for a specific range of subresources
  • Create and bind 4 predefined samplers
  • Invoke a Dispatch call (no raster, no VS/PS)
  • Create 2D textures with SRV / UAV access

Integration Method 2: Black-box library (using native API pointers)

If Graphics API's native pointers are retrievable from the RHI, the standard NRD integration layer can be used to greatly simplify the integration. In this case, the application should only wrap up native pointers for the Device, CommandList and some input / output Resources into entities, compatible with an API abstraction layer (NRI), and all work with NRD library will be hidden inside the integration layer:

Engine or App → native objects → NRD integration layer → NRI → NRD

NRI = NVIDIA Rendering Interface - an abstraction layer on top of Graphics APIs: DX11, DX12 and VULKAN. NRI has been designed to provide low overhead access to the Graphics APIs and simplify development of DX12 and VULKAN applications. NRI API has been influenced by VULKAN as the common denominator among these 3 APIs.

NRI and NRD are ready-to-use products. The application must expose native pointers only for Device, Resource and CommandList entities (no SRVs and UAVs - they are not needed, everything will be created internally). Native resource pointers are needed only for the denoiser inputs and outputs (all intermediate textures will be handled internally). Descriptor heap will be changed to an internal one, so the application needs to bind its original descriptor heap after invoking the denoiser.

In rare cases, when the integration via the engine’s RHI is not possible and the integration using native pointers is complicated, a "DoDenoising" call can be added explicitly to the application-side RHI. It helps to avoid increasing code entropy.

The pseudo code below demonstrates how NRD Integration and NRI can be used to wrap native Graphics API pointers into NRI objects to establish connection between the application and NRD:


#include "NRIDescs.hpp"
#include "Extensions/NRIWrapperD3D12.h"
#include "Extensions/NRIHelper.h"

#include "NRD.h"

NrdIntegration NRD = NrdIntegration(maxNumberOfFramesInFlight);

struct NriInterface
    : public nri::CoreInterface
    , public nri::HelperInterface
    , public nri::WrapperD3D12Interface
NriInterface NRI;

nri::Device* nriDevice = nullptr;


nri::DeviceCreationD3D12Desc deviceDesc = {};
deviceDesc.d3d12Device = ...;
deviceDesc.d3d12PhysicalAdapter = ...;
deviceDesc.d3d12GraphicsQueue = ...;
deviceDesc.enableNRIValidation = false;

// Wrap the device
nri::Result result = nri::CreateDeviceFromD3D12Device(deviceDesc, nriDevice);

// Get needed functionality
result = nri::GetInterface(*nriDevice, NRI_INTERFACE(nri::CoreInterface), (nri::CoreInterface*)&NRI);
result = nri::GetInterface(*nriDevice, NRI_INTERFACE(nri::HelperInterface), (nri::HelperInterface*)&NRI);

// Get needed "wrapper" extension, XXX - can be D3D11, D3D12 or VULKAN
result = nri::GetInterface(*nriDevice, NRI_INTERFACE(nri::WrapperXXXInterface), (nri::WrapperXXXInterface*)&NRI);


const nrd::MethodDesc methodDescs[] =
    // put neeeded methods here, like:
    { nrd::Method::REBLUR_DIFFUSE_SPECULAR, renderResolution.x, renderResolution.y },

nrd::DenoiserCreationDesc denoiserCreationDesc = {};
denoiserCreationDesc.requestedMethods = methodDescs;
denoiserCreationDesc.requestedMethodNum = methodNum;

bool result = NRD.Initialize(*nriDevice, NRI, NRI, denoiserCreationDesc);


// Wrap the command buffer
nri::CommandBufferD3D12Desc cmdDesc = {};
cmdDesc.d3d12CommandList = (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList*)&d3d12CommandList;
cmdDesc.d3d12CommandAllocator = nullptr; // Not needed for NRD Integration layer

nri::CommandBuffer* cmdBuffer = nullptr;
NRI.CreateCommandBufferD3D12(*nriDevice, cmdDesc, cmdBuffer);

// Wrap required textures
nri::TextureTransitionBarrierDesc entryDescs[N] = {};
nri::Format entryFormat[N] = {};

for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
    nri::TextureTransitionBarrierDesc& entryDesc = entryDescs[i];
    const MyResource& myResource = GetMyResource(i);

    nri::TextureD3D12Desc textureDesc = {};
    textureDesc.d3d12Resource = myResource->GetNativePointer();
    NRI.CreateTextureD3D12(*nriDevice, textureDesc, (nri::Texture*&)entryDesc.texture );

    // You need to specify the current state of the resource here, after denoising NRD can modify
    // this state. Application must continue state tracking from this point.
    // Useful information:
    //    SRV = nri::AccessBits::SHADER_RESOURCE, nri::TextureLayout::SHADER_RESOURCE
    //    UAV = nri::AccessBits::SHADER_RESOURCE_STORAGE, nri::TextureLayout::GENERAL
    entryDesc.nextAccess = ConvertResourceStateToAccessBits( myResource->GetCurrentState() );
    entryDesc.nextLayout = ConvertResourceStateToLayout( myResource->GetCurrentState() );


// Populate common settings
//  - for the first time use defaults
//  - currently NRD supports only the following view space: X - right, Y - top, Z - forward or backward
nrd::CommonSettings commonSettings = {};

// Set settings for each denoiser
nrd::NrdXxxSettings settings = {};

NRD.SetMethodSettings(nrd::Method::NRD_XXX, &settings);

// Fill up the user pool
NrdUserPool userPool = {};
    // Fill only required "in-use" inputs and outputs in appropriate slots using entryDescs & entryFormat,
    // applying remapping if necessary. Unused slots will be {nullptr, nri::Format::UNKNOWN}
    NrdIntegration_SetResource(userPool, ...);
    NrdIntegration_SetResource(userPool, ...);

NRD.Denoise(*cmdBuffer, commonSettings, userPool);

// !!! IMPORTANT !!!
// NRD integration layer binds its own descriptor pool, don't forget to re-bind back your own descriptor pool (heap)


for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++)




Integration Method 3: White-box library (using the application-side Render Hardware Interface)

Logically it's close to the Method 1, but the integration takes place in the full source code (only the NRD project is needed). In this case NRD shaders are handled by the application shader compilation pipeline. The application should still use NRD via NRD API to preserve forward compatibility. This method suits best for compilation on other platforms (consoles, ARM), unlocks NRD modification on the application side and increases portability.

NOTE: this method is WIP. It works, but in the future it will work better out of the box.


  • Denoiser method (or method) - a method for denoising of a particular signal (for example: Method::DIFFUSE)
  • Denoiser - a set of methods aggregated into a monolithic entity (the library is free to rearrange passes without dependencies)
  • Resource - an input, output or internal resource. Currently can only be a texture
  • Texture pool (or pool) - a texture pool that stores permanent or transient resources needed for denoising. Textures from the permanent pool are dedicated to NRD and can not be reused by the application (history buffers are stored here). Textures from the transient pool can be reused by the application right after denoising. NRD doesn’t allocate anything. NRD provides resource descriptions, but resource creations are done on the application side.


API flow

  1. GetLibraryDesc - contains general NRD library information (supported denoising methods, SPIRV binding offsets). This call can be skipped if this information is known in advance (for example, is diffuse denoiser available?), but it can’t be skipped if SPIRV binding offsets are needed for VULKAN
  2. CreateDenoiser - creates a denoiser based on requested methods (it means that diffuse, specular and shadow logical denoisers can be merged into a single denoiser instance)
  3. GetDenoiserDesc - returns descriptions for pipelines, static samplers, texture pools, constant buffer and descriptor set. All this stuff is needed during the initialization step. Commonly used for initialization.
  4. SetMethodSettings - can be called to change parameters dynamically before applying the denoiser on each new frame / denoiser call
  5. GetComputeDispatches - returns per-dispatch data (bound subresources with required state, constant buffer data)
  6. DestroyDenoiser - destroys a denoiser


NRD doesn't make any graphics API calls. The application is supposed to invoke a set of compute Dispatch() calls to actually denoise input signals. Please, refer to NrdIntegration::Denoise() and NrdIntegration::Dispatch() calls in NRDIntegration.hpp file as an example of an integration using low level RHI.

NRD doesn’t have a "resize" functionality. On resolution change the old denoiser needs to be destroyed and a new one needs to be created with new parameters.

NOTE: XXX below is a replacement for a denoiser you choose from REBLUR, RELAX or SIGMA.

The following textures can be requested as inputs or outputs for a method. Required resources are specified near a method declaration in Method.


Commons inputs:

  • IN_MV - non-jittered primary surface motion (old = new + MV)

    Supported variants via ComminSettings::isMotionVectorInWorldSpace:

    • 3D world space motion (recommended) - camera motion should not be included (it's already in the matrices). In other words, if there are no moving objects all motion vectors = 0. The .w channel is unused and can be used by the app
    • 2D screen space motion - 2D motion doesn't provide information about moving along view direction, it only allows to "get" the direction. NRD can introduce pixels with rejected history on dynamic objects in this case.

    Motion vector scaling can be provided via CommonSettings::motionVectorScale.

  • IN_NORMAL_ROUGHNESS - primary surface normal in world space and linear roughness

    Normal encoding can be controlled by the following macros located in NRD.hlsli:

    • NRD_NORMAL_ENCODING = NRD_NORMAL_ENCODING_UNORM - .xyz - normal (decoding is normalize( .xyz * 2 - 1 )), .w - roughness
    • NRD_NORMAL_ENCODING = NRD_NORMAL_ENCODING_OCT - .xy - normal (octahedron decoding). .z - roughness, .w - optional material ID (only 2 lower bits are used).

    Roughness encoding can be controlled by the following macros located in NRD.hlsli:

    • NRD_USE_SQRT_LINEAR_ROUGHNESS = 0 - roughness decoding is m = alpha = roughness ^ 2
    • NRD_USE_SQRT_LINEAR_ROUGHNESS = 1 - roughness decoding is m = alpha = roughness ^ 4
    • NRD_NORMAL_ENCODING = NRD_NORMAL_ENCODING_UNORM - .xyz - normal (decoding is normalize( .xyz * 2 - 1 )), .w - roughness
    • NRD_NORMAL_ENCODING = NRD_NORMAL_ENCODING_OCT - .xy - normal (octahedron decoding). .z - roughness, .w - optional material ID (only 2 lower bits are used).

    NRD computes local curvature using provided normals. Less accurate normals can lead to banding in curvature and local flatness. RGBA8 normals is a good baseline, but R10G10B10A10 oct-packed normals improve curvature calculations and specular tracking in the result.

    If materialID is provided, NRD diffuse and specular denoisers won't mix up surfaces with different material IDs.

  • IN_VIEWZ - .x - view-space Z coordinate of the primary hit position (linearized g-buffer depth)

    Positive and negative values are supported. Z values in all pixels must be in the same space, matching space defined by matrices passed to NRD. If, for example, the protagonist's hands are rendered using special matrices, Z values should be computed as:

    • reconstruct world position using special matrices for "hands"
    • project on screen using matrices passed to NRD
    • .w component is positive view Z (or just transform world space position to main view space and take .z component)

See NRDDescs.h for more details and descriptions of other inputs and outputs.


NRD sample is a good start to familiarize yourself with input requirements and best practices, but main requirements can be summarized to:

  • Path length must be separated into diffuse and specular paths
  • Do not pass sum of lengths of all segments as hitT. A solid baseline is to use hit distance for the 1st bounce only, it works for diffuse and specular signals. In case of multi-bounce specular on metals it's recommended to use NRD_GetCorrectedHitDist instead (and tricks from the sample)
  • hitT, passed to NRD, must not include primary hit distance
  • Noisy radiance inputs must not include material information at primary hits, i.e. material de-modulation is needed
  • Noise in provided hit distances must follow a diffuse or specular lobe. It implies that hitT for roughness = 0 must be clean (if probabilistic sampling is not in use)
  • In case of probabilistic diffuse / specular selection at the primary hit, provided hitT must follow the following rules:
    • Should not be divided by PDF
    • If diffuse or specular sampling is skipped, hitT must be set to 0 for corresponding signal type
    • hitDistanceReconstructionMode must be set to something other than OFF, but bear in mind that the search area is limited to 3x3 or 5x5. In other words, it's the application's responsibility to guarantee a valid sample in this area. It can be achieved by clamping probabilities and using Bayer-like dithering (see the sample for more details)
    • Pre-pass must be enabled (i.e. diffusePrepassBlurRadius and specularPrepassBlurRadius must be set to 20-70 pixels) to compensate entropy increase, since radiance in valid samples is divided by probability to compensate 0 values in some neighbors
  • Probabilistic sampling for 2nd+ bounces is absolutely acceptable


Denoising is not a panacea or miracle. Denoising works best with ray tracing results produced by a suitable form of importance sampling. Additionally, NRD has its own restrictions. The following suggestions should help to achieve best image quality:

[NRD] The NRD API has been designed to support integration into native VULKAN apps. If the RHI you work with is DX11-like, not all provided data will be needed.

[NRD] Read all comments in NRDDescs.h, NRDSettings.h and NRD.hlsli.

[NRD] If you are unsure of which parameters to use - use defaults via {} construction. It will help to improve compatibility with future versions.

[NRD] When upgrading to the latest version keep an eye on ResourceType enumeration. The order of the input slots can be changed or something can be added, you need to adjust the inputs accordingly to match the mapping.

[NRD] All pixels in floating point textures should be INF / NAN free to avoid propagation, because such values are used in weight calculations and accumulation of a weighted sum.

[NRD] All NRD denoisers work with positive inputs.

[NRD] NRD works with linear roughness and world-space normals. See NRD.hlsli for more details and supported customizations.

[NRD] NRD works with non-jittered matrices.

[NRD] NRD can track camera motion internally. For the first time pass all MVs set to 0 (you can use CommonSettings::motionVectorScale = {0} for this) and set CommonSettings::isMotionVectorInWorldSpace = true, it will allow you to simplify the initial integration. Enable application provided MVs after getting denoising working on static objects.

[NRD] Using of 2D MVs can lead to massive history reset on fast moving objects, because 2D motion provides information only about pixel screen position but not about real 3D world position. Consider using 3D MVs instead.

[NRD] Firstly, try to get correctly working reprojection on a diffuse signal for camera rotations only (without camera motion).

[NRD] Diffuse and specular signals must be separated at the start of the path.

[NRD] NRD has been designed to work with pure radiance coming from a particular direction. This means that data in the form "something / probability" should be avoided because overall entropy of the input signal will be increased (but it doesn't mean that denoising won't work). Additionally, it means that primary materials needs to be decoupled from the input signal, i.e. primary BRDF should be applied after denoising:

// Diffuse
Denoising( diffuseRadiance * albedo ) → NRD( diffuseRadiance / albedo ) * albedo

// Specular
float3 envBRDF = EnvBRDF( Rf0, N, V, roughness );
Denoising( specularRadiance * BRDF( Rf0, VoH ) ) → NRD( specularRadiance * BRDF( Rf0, VoH ) / EnvBRDF ) * EnvBRDF

It's worth noting that RELAX has a better capability to preserve details in this case due to usage of A-trous filter with luminance stoppers.

[NRD] Denoising logic is driven by provided hit distances. For indirect lighting denoising passing hit distance for the 1st bounce only is a good baseline. For direct lighting a distance to an occluder or a light source is needed. Primary hit distance must be excluded in any case. Read notes for the NRD_GetCorrectedHitDist function from NRD.hlsli.

[NRD] For better image quality HDR inputs need to be in a sane range (0 - 10 / 100).

[NRD] Denoisers can perform optional color compression in spatial filtering passes to improve overall IQ by sacrificing energy correctness a bit. Color compression mode is roughness-based and can be tuned (or turned off) in NRD.hlsli.

[NRD] Passing pre-exposured colors (i.e. color * exposure) is not recommended, because a significant momentary change in exposure is hard to react to in this case.

[NRD] Importance sampling is recommended to achieve good results in case of complex lighting environments. Consider using:

  • Cosine distribution for diffuse from non-local light sources
  • VNDF sampling for specular
  • Custom importance sampling for local light sources (RTXDI).

[NRD] Hit distances should come from an importance sampling method. But if denoising of AO/SO is needed, AO/SO can come from cos-weighted (or VNDF) sampling in a tradeoff of IQ.

[NRD] Low discrepancy sampling helps to have more stable output in 0.5-1 rpp mode. It's a must for REBLUR-based Ambient and Specular Occlusion denoisers (in this case maximum number of accumulated frames can be reduced to minimize lags) and SIGMA.

[NRD] It's recommended to set CommonSettings::accumulationMode to RESET for a single frame, if a history reset is needed. If history buffers are recreated or contain garbage, it's recommended to use CLEAR_AND_RESET for a single frame. CLEAR_AND_RESET is not free because clearing is done in a compute shader. Render target clears on the application side should be prioritized over this solution.

[NRD] Functions XXX_FrontEnd_PackRadianceAndHitDist perform optional NAN / INF clearing of the input signal. There is a boolean to skip these checks.

[NRD] If there are areas (besides sky), which don't require denoising (for example, casting a specular ray only if roughness is less than some threshold), providing viewZ > CommonSettings::denoisingRange in IN_VIEWZ texture for such pixels will effectively skip denoising. Additionally, the data in such areas won't contribute to the final result.

[NRD] If there are areas (besides sky), which don't require denoising (for example, skipped diffuse rays for true metals). materialID and materialMask can be used to drive spatial passes.

[NRD] Input signal quality can be improved by enabling pre-pass via setting diffusePrepassBlurRadius and specularPrepassBlurRadius to a non-zero value. Usually pre-pass is needed for specular and less needed for diffuse (see sample for more details).

[NRD] In case of probabilistic diffuse / specular split at the primary hit, hit distance reconstruction pass must be enabled, if exposed in the denoiser (see HitDistanceReconstructionMode).

[NRD] In case of probabilistic diffuse / specular split at the primary hit, pre pass must be enabled, if exposed in the denoiser (see diffusePrepassBlurRadius and specularPrepassBlurRadius).

[NRD] Maximum number of accumulated frames can be FPS dependent. The following formula can be used on the application side:

maxAccumulatedFrameNum = accumulationPeriodInSeconds * FPS

[REBLUR] In case of REBLUR ensure that enableReferenceAccumulation = true works properly first. It's not mandatory, but will help to simplify debugging of potential issues by implicitly disabling spatial filtering entirely.

[REBLUR] If more performance is needed, consider using enablePerformanceMode = true.

[REBLUR] For diffuse and specular REBLUR expects hit distance input in a normalized form. To avoid mismatching, REBLUR_FrontEnd_GetNormHitDist should be used for normalization. Some tweaking can be needed here, but in most cases normalization to the default HitDistanceParameters works well. REBLUR outputs denoised normalized hit distance, which can be used by the application as ambient or specular occlusion (AO & SO) (see unpacking functions from NRD.hlsli).

[REBLUR] REBLUR handles specular lobe trimming, trying to reconstruct trimmed signals. Similarly to hit distance normalization, REBLUR needs to be aware about trimming parameters. If this feature is used in a ray tracer, SpecularLobeTrimmingParameters must be passed into REBLUR. To avoid code duplication, NRD_GetTrimmingFactor can be used in a shader code on the application side.

[REBLUR] Intensity antilag parameters need to be carefully tuned. The defaults are good but AntilagIntensitySettings::sensitivityToDarkness needs to be tuned for a given HDR range. Initial integration should work with intensity antilag turned off.

[REBLUR] Even if antilag is off, it's recommended to tune AntilagIntensitySettings::sensitivityToDarkness, because it is used for error estimation.

[REBLUR] Using "blue" noise can help to minimize shimmering in the output of AO/SO-only denoisers.

[REBLUR] enableAdvancedPrepass mode offers better quality but requires valid IN_DIFF_DIRECTION_PDF and / or IN_SPEC_DIRECTION_PDF inputs (see sample for more details). It can't be used in case of probabilistic split at primary hit (advanced pre-pass assumes that every pixel has valid data, PDF reconstruction is not implemented for performance reasons).

[RELAX] RELAX works well with signals produced by RTXDI or very clean high RPP signals. The Sweet Home of RELAX is RTXDI sample. Please, consider getting familiar with this application.

[RELAX] The number of accumulated frames in fast history needs to be carefully tuned to avoid introducing significant bias and dirt. Initial integration should be done by setting maxFastAccumulatedFrameNum to maxAccumulatedFrameNum.

[SIGMA] Using "blue" noise can help to avoid shadow shimmering, it works best if the pattern is static on the screen. Additionally, blurRadiusScale can be set to 2-4 to mitigate such problems in complicated cases.

[SIGMA] SIGMA_TRANSLUCENT_SHADOW can be used for shadow denoising from multiple light sources:

L[i] - unshadowed analytical lighting from a single light source (not noisy)
S[i] - stochastically sampled light visibility for L[i] (noisy)
Σ( L[i] ) - unshadowed analytical lighting, typically a result of tiled lighting (HDR, not in range [0; 1])
Σ( L[i] × S[i] ) - final lighting (what we need to get)

The idea:
L1 × S1 + L2 × S2 + L3 × S3 = ( L1 + L2 + L3 ) × [ ( L1 × S1 + L2 × S2 + L3 × S3 ) / ( L1 + L2 + L3 ) ]

Σ( L[i] × S[i] ) = Σ( L[i] ) × [ Σ( L[i] × S[i] ) / Σ( L[i] ) ]
Σ( L[i] × S[i] ) / Σ( L[i] ) - normalized weighted sum, i.e. pseudo translucency (LDR, in range [0; 1])

Input data preparation example:

float3 Lsum = 0;
float2x3 multiLightShadowData = SIGMA_FrontEnd_MultiLightStart( );

for( uint i = 0; i < N; i++ )
    float3 L = ComputeLighting( i );
    Lsum += L;

    // "distanceToOccluder" should respect rules described in NRD.hlsli in "INPUT PARAMETERS" section
    float distanceToOccluder = SampleShadow( i );

    // The weight should be zero if a pixel is not in the penumbra, but it is not trivial to compute...
    float weight = ...;

    SIGMA_FrontEnd_MultiLightUpdate( L, distanceToOccluder, tanOfLightAngularRadius, weight, multiLightShadowData );

float4 shadowTranslucency;
float2 shadowData = SIGMA_FrontEnd_MultiLightEnd( viewZ, multiLightShadowData, Lsum, shadowTranslucency );

After denoising final result can be computed as:

Σ( L[i] × S[i] ) = Σ( L[i] ) × OUT_SHADOW_TRANSLUCENCY.yzw

Is this a biased solution? If spatial filtering is off - no, because we just reorganized the math equation. If spatial filtering is on - yes, because denoising will be driven by most important light in a given pixel.

This solution is limited and hard to use:

  • obviously, can be used "as is" if shadows don't overlap (weight = 1)
  • if shadows overlap, a separate pass is needed to analyze noisy input and classify pixels as umbra - penumbra (and optionally empty space). Raster shadow maps can be used for this if available
  • it is not recommended to mix 1 cd and 100000 cd lights, since FP32 texture will be needed for a weighted sum. In this case, it's better to process the sun and other bright light sources separately.


NRD sample has TESTS section in the bottom of the UI (--testMode required), a new test can be added if needed. The following procedure is recommended:

  • Try to reproduce a problem in the NRD sample first
    • if reproducible
      • add a test (by pressing Add button)
      • describe the issue and steps to reproduce
      • attach depending on the selected scene .bin file from the Tests folder
    • if not
      • verify the integration
  • If nothing helps
    • describe the issue, attach a video and steps to reproduce