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Stratis Bitcoin

Bitcoin Implementation in C#

Stratis is an implementation of the Bitcoin protocol in C# on the .NET Core platform.
The node can run on the Bitcoin and Stratis networks.
Stratis Bitcoin is based on the NBitcoin project.

For Proof of Stake support on the Stratis token the node is using NStratis which is a POS implementation of NBitcoin.

.NET Core is an open source cross platform framework and enables the development of applications and services on Windows, macOS and Linux.
Join our community on slack.

The design

A Modular Approach

A Blockchain is made of many components, from a FullNode that validates blocks to a Simple Wallet that track addresses. The end goal is to develop a set of Nuget packages from which an implementer can cherry pick what he needs.

  • NBitcoin
  • Stratis.Bitcoin.Core - The bare minimum to run a pruned node.
  • Stratis.Bitcoin.Store - Store and relay blocks to peers.
  • Stratis.Bitcoin.MemoryPool - Track pending transaction.
  • Stratis.Bitcoin.Wallet - Send and Receive coins
  • Stratis.Bitcoin.Miner - POS or POW
  • Stratis.Bitcoin.Explorer

Create a Blockchain in a .NET Core style programming

  var node = new FullNodeBuilder()


What's Next

We plan to add many more features on top of the Stratis Bitcoin blockchain: Sidechains, Private/Permissioned blockchain, Compiled Smart Contracts, NTumbleBit/Breeze wallet and more...

Running a FullNode

Our full node is currently in alpha.

git clone  
cd StratisBitcoinFullNode\src

dotnet restore
dotnet build

To run on the Bitcoin network: Stratis.BitcoinD\dotnet run
To run on the Stratis network: Stratis.StratisD\dotnet run

Getting Started Guide

More details on getting started are available here


Up for some blockchain development?

Check this guides for more info:

There is a lot to do and we welcome contributers developers and testers who want to get some Blockchain experience. You can find tasks at the issues/projects or visit our C# dev slack channel.


CI build

We use AppVeyor for our CI build and to create nuget packages. Every time someone pushes to the master branch or create a pull request on it, a build is triggered and new nuget packages are created.

To skip a build, for example if you've made very minor changes, include the text [skip ci] or [ci skip] in your commits' comment (with the squared brackets).

If you want get the ✨ latest ✨ (and unstable 💣) version of the nuget packages here:


Stratis Compile Instructions:

You must have Visual Studio 2017 or higher. Community edition also works. NOTE: Version 15.7.4 or higher is required. If lower, please follow instructions to upgrade visual studio by clicking the yellow flag in the top right. NOTE: .NET Standard 2.0 is required. This is higher than the default, therefore you must upgrade .NET standard. Stratis does not use the .NET framework, it actually uses 100% cross platform .NET Standard 2.0 libs.


Load the "Stratis.Bitcoin.FullNode" project (which contains the Stratis.StratisD project). Compile the entire project. If no errors occur, set Stratis.StratisD as the startup project. Launch.

This will launch biblepayd in stratis. The blockchain should sync. A default wallet will be created (yourname.json). The blocks data is stored in %appdata%\StratisNode\BiblePayMain (Main means prod chain).

The daemon runs as a console app, but launches threads for different functions. The daemons output appears on the console, but it can also be viewed via HTTP.

To launch the HTTP GUI: Open web browser, navigate to: http://localhost:37220/ The web browser contains the same output as the console app. Hit f5 to refresh.

To launch the Biblepay GUI (written by us): Navigate to : Http://localhost:37220/BiblePayGui/StratisWeb

Only two test functions work on the GUI: Function 1: Click on "Leaderboard | Leaderboard". This shows a weblist of Heat Miners. This is old data, but proves the GUI weblist is working. Function 2: Click on "Settings | Tools". This is a page section that allows you to enter some Biblepay settings. Change the CPID to something random and click Save, and this will prove a dialog can be shown with actual local-posted MVC data.