
This was my second attempt to create spotify clone using Next.js and TailwindCSS. In first attempt with Spotify clone I build it using React.js and Custom CSS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Spotify clone V2

This is a my second attempt to create spotify clone using Next.js and TailwindCSS. In first attempt with Spotify clone I build it using React.js and Custom CSS.

Table of contents



5) Desktop-Home Page


1) Desktop-Login page Login 2) Desktop-Player Player
3) Desktop-Playlist Page Playlist 4) Desktop-Album Page Album
Tablet Mobile
1) Tablet-Login Page login 2) Tablet-Home Page home 3) Tablet-Playlist Page playlist 4) Tablet-Player player 1) Mobile-Login Page login 2) Mobile-Home Page home 3) Mobile-Playlist Page playlist 4) Mobile-Player player 5) Mobile-Album Page album


My process

  1. First i did Sidebar and Header components.
  2. Worked on the Login page.
  3. Worked on the Home page.
  4. Worked on the Playlist page.
  5. Worked on the Player component.
  6. Worked on the Album page.
  7. Worked on the Number of cards visible based on width of page (using lodash.debounce and tailiwind breakpoints).

Built with

  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS v3
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • Mobile-first workflow

What I learned

I learned how to SSR(server side rendering) and CSR(client side rendering) using Next.js and spotifyApi.

Useful resources
