
A LAMP package for creating websites for accepting RSVPs to weddings and other events.

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


php-rsvp is a LAMP package for creating websites for accepting RSVPs to weddings and other events.

Guests can RSVP by requesting rsvp.php?k=[key] where [key] is either randomly generated or chosen randomly from a list of supplied options.


Implemented Features:

  • Add parties with multiple guests
  • Add meals to be selected during RSVP
  • Option for parties to leave a note during RSVP
  • Emails collected during RSVP for sending updates parties
  • Ability to edit and delete guests, parties, and meals
  • Display of aggregate data (guests invited, total accepted, total per meal type)
  • Random generation of URL keys
  • Ability to supply preferred URL keys
  • Generation of URLs to distribute to potential guests
  • QR codes generated with RSVP URL
  • Confirmation/Thank-you email sent after RSVP
  • Set an final date for accepting RSVPs
  • Get lists of email addresses of guests that have replied

Planned Features:

  • Google Calendar invitations sent with confirmation email

Dependancies & Installation

php-rsvp depends on:

It is recommended that you have apache, php5, and mysql working together prior to starting the installation. You should also install qrencode or whichever QR code generation library you like (parameters for QR encoding can be changed with the variables starting with $QR_ in include/rsvp_config.php) and the command itself can be changed in the function qrcode in include/admin_functions.php.

Download the package to your destination of choosing and set the document root to to the www/ directory in the project. This will ensure that files containing sensitive information cannot be accessed by apache.

To start the installation navigate to rsvp_admin.php in order to set up the database. As you will necessisarily be supplying sensitive information in order to create the required schema it is recommended you perform this step on the local network of the server you are installing this on or with an SSL encrypted connection.

At this page you will create the schema/tables needed, an account to access the database, and an initial admin account. After submitting the form you will hopefully see a success message and be instructed to add the database password to the include/rsvp_config.php file. This file is where much, if not all, of the customization of the website should occur. Inspect this file, secure it as necessary, add the password, and save it.

With the setup complete you should be able to log in to the admin page. However, at this point you should consider how you would like jQuery and jQuery-UI set up. By default ajax.googleapi.com URLs will be used to get stable versions. If you would prefer to use a different version or theme, update the following variables in include/rsvp_config.php:


Alternatively, you can download your preferred versions of jQuery and jQuery-UI and install them into www/js/ and /www/css/. In this case you will need to update the following variables:


At this point your should be ready to start configuring your event (in include/rsvp_config.php) and using the system.

Additional possibilities

The "rsvp.php?k=" part of the URL isn't the most attrative.

You can circumvent this by placing a .htaccess file in the www directory containing:

Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on

# always send 404 on missing favicon
RewriteRule ^favicon.ico$ favicon.ico [L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)$ rsvp.php?k=$1 [QSA,B,L]

This will take your URL path and, assuming it does not reference a valid file, assumes that it should be used as a URL key.

For example, for:


Since 'f8eCvyrI' is probably not a file on your server, this will automatically be translated by apache (via the .htaccess file) into:
