
Evaluate & understand image editing models!

Primary LanguagePython

PixLens 🔎 [Paper]

Evaluate & understand image editing models!


To set up the required Python 3.11 conda environment, run the following commands:

# Clone repository & cd into it
git clone https://github.com/thesstefan/pixlens && cd pixlens

# Download EditVal selected images and unzip them in "editval_instances"
# You can do this manually or by running gdown:
wget --no-check-certificate -r "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1q_V2oxtGUCPE2vkQi88NvnGurg2Swf9N" -O editval_instances.zip
unzip editval_instances.zip && rm editval_instances.zip

# Create conda env
conda create -n $ENVNAME "python>=3.11" --file requirements.txt -c pytorch -c nvidia -c conda-forge

# Install dev packages if needed
conda install --name $ENVNAME --freeze-installed --file requirements-dev.txt

# Activate environment
conda activate $ENVNAME

# Install xformers==0.0.23.post1
# No available conda package [issue](https://github.com/facebookresearch/xformers/issues/749)
pip install xformers==0.0.23.post1

# Install Image Reward
pip install image-reward

# With the usage of vqgan+clip, one has to follow the instructions in the repo we are based on (https://github.com/nerdyrodent/VQGAN-CLIP), but essentially one can download:
pip install kornia==0.7.2 taming-transformers git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git

# When doing so, please change 'pytorch_lightning.utilities.distributed' for 'pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero' in taming/main.py as indicated in the [issue](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/issues/11458#issuecomment-1609900319)

# Install pixlens in editable mode
pip install --no-build-isolation --no-deps -e .

The editval_instances.zip can also be downloaded from here.

NOTICE 1: The NullTextInversion model is available only when diffusers=10.0.0 due to issues when using newer versions (#1, #2, #3). Therefore, use the requirements-null-text-inv.txt dependencies instead when dealing with NullTextInversion.

NOTICE 2: On some bare-bones systems (like containers), it may be required to provide the libgl1.so dependency for OpenCV. The following error is raised be pixlens if the dependency is not available:

ImportError: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

On Debian-based systems this can be installed by running

apt-get install libgl1


The models that are already implemented are InstructPix2Pix, ControlNet, LCM, DiffEdit & NullTextInversion. Due to some issues, DiffEdit and NullTextInversion are left out the full benchmark by default.

The models that are available for detection & segmentation are GroundedSAM (SAM on top of GroundingDino) and Owl-ViTSAM (SAM on top of Owl-ViT).

All models can be loaded by specifying their corresponding YAML configurations from model_cfgs.

Edit operations that can currently be evaluated include:

  • Object Addition
  • Object Replacement
  • Object Removal
  • Part Alteration
  • Moving Objects
  • Positional Object Addition
  • Size Change
  • Color Change

Along these, subject & background preservation is evaluated for each edit.

Generally, you can expect to find some artifacts (edited images, segmentation results, explanatory visualization, scores) in PixLens's cache directory (~/.cache/pixlens on UNIX, C:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Local\pixlens\pixlens/Cache on Windows).

If the model VQGAN+CLIP is used, please download their checkpoints folder and place it in the PixLens's cache directory under the folder models--VqGANClip (in the end the folder Cache/models--VqGANClip/checkpoints should be there)-

If the model OpenEdit is used, also download their checkpoints and vocab folders, as indicated in the repo and again place them under the folder models--openedit (in the end the folder Cache/models--openedit/vocab and .../checkpoints should be there).


To run the whole evaluation pipeline (for InstructPix2Pix, ControlNet, LCM, OpenEdit and VQGAN+clip), run

pixlens-eval --detection-model-yaml ${DETECTION_MODEL_YAML} --run-evaluation-pipeline

To run a more specific evaluation (for one specific model & operation type), run

pixlens-eval --detection-model-yaml ${DETECTION_MODEL_YAML} 
             --editing-model-yaml ${EDITING_MODEL_YAML}
             --edit-type ${EDIT_TYPE}

The results will be available in the mentioned cache directory under evaluation_results.json (aggregated) and evaluation_results.csv (individual edits).

Currently, here are the possible parameterizations:

Similarly, there are other CLI scripts provided for debugging intermediary steps, like pixlens_editing, pixlens_detection, or pixlens_caption.

Disentanglement Pipeline

To execute the disentanglement pipeline, use the following command:

pixlens-disentanglement --model-params-yaml ${MODEL_PARAMS_YAML}

Upon completion of the pipeline, a folder titled disentanglement will be created within the model's cache directory. This folder contains critical outputs of the evaluation:

  • results.json: A file that details the most significant findings of the evaluation.
  • Confusion Matrix Plot: A visual representation to help understand the performance of the model.

In case you prefer not to rerun the entire process, you have the option to delete the .pkl files. These files store essential data required for the evaluation.

Benchmarking Custom Models

You can also benchmark your own model by defining an adapter class similar to the ones in editing, implementing the PrompatbleImageEditingModel protocol.

Afterwards, define a YAML configuration file similar to the ones in model_cfgs and use this file as the parameter for the --editing_model_yaml flag of pixlens-eval and pixlens-disentanglement.


The NullTextInversion implementation is from google/prompt-to-prompt. Otherwise, the other models (GroundingDino, OwlViT, (SAM, InstructPix2Pix, LCM, ControlNet, DiffEdit) are provided through their own packages (sam, groundingdino) or HuggingFace.

PixLens aims to build onto EditVal, so some inspiration is taken from it.