
Some tools that I often find myself using in Kaggle challenges.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

# Kaggle tools

## About

This is a repository containing tools, scripts and code snippets that I often use in Kaggle challenges (more generally in data science and machine learning tasks).

## Installation (Linux and OS X)

To install the project dependencies, run:

pip install -r requirements

If you are familiar with Conda, I would suggest creating a virtual environnement and installing the dependencies in the following fashion:

conda create --name kaggle-tools --file requirements.txt

Then activate the environment with the following command:

source activate kaggle-tools

If you want to process images, you need to install OpenCV. Here is the easiest way I found to do it (activate the virtual environment first):

conda install -c https://conda.binstar.org/menpo opencv3

## Contributing

Feel free to send a link to tools that you use or make a pull request.

## License

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2016 Yassine Alouini