# C
// Basic things about C
// Get Started
// 0. You need to download the compiler (search for MinGW Download, or visit https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/)
// https://osdn.net/projects/mingw/downloads/68260/mingw-get-setup.exe]
// 1. Click next, next, next, and install
// 2. On the Package selection menu, select mingw32-gcc-g++
// 3. Configure the path [Details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ubfgi4NoTPk]
// 4. Go C:\ > MinGW > bin > Copy the path
// 5. Search path > go to env variables > path > paste
// 6. Setting your favorite text editor (Install extension code runner and c/c++ extensions)
// 7. Need help? Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ubfgi4NoTPk&ab_channel=MrAboutTech
// 8. ENJOY
// Or if you are not from IT
// 0. Install CODEBLOCK [Details: https://sourceforge.net/projects/codeblocks/]
// 1. ENJOY
// Books recommendations
// 0. Biggining C
// 2. How to C Program
// How to run first program?
// 0. Create a file with the extension '.c'
// 1. Type the code
// 2. Compile the code: Open cmd > goto the file path > run gcc filename.c -o compilefilename >
// 2.1 Linking: [This part will be done befind the scene]
// 3. Execute the code : ... > run ./compilefilename >
// Or use code runner extension
// 0. The C skeleton
// 1. printf
// 2. Variable