
An app based on Flask, small playground that provides restful calls API.

Primary LanguagePython


A small playground app, based on Flask. What this app has for a goal is to allow the user to get, update, delete data about ceratin planets they insert into the database, aswell as having a registration system, which is needed, since not authenticated users can not submit changes to the databse.


  1. Clone the project from the repo.
  2. Install all the required deppendencies.
  3. run the app


  1. If you have not created the DB, you will need to run - python db_create - from the directory of the app, in order to initialize a databse (type of the db is SQLite)
  2. To add some seed data to the databse - python db_seed - from the directory of the app
  3. Drop the whole databse by running - python db_drop


  1. install python
  2. on windows setup the env path for pip
  3. install virtualenv - pip install virtualenv 3.5) virtualenv -p python
  4. setup a virtual env in project - python -m virtualenv env
  5. activate the virtualenv in project - . ./env/Scripts/activate or on windows env\Scripts\Activate
  6. instal flaks - pip install flask
  7. export environment variables - command line: export APP_SETTINGS=config.cfg
  8. generate requirements file - pip freeze > requirements.txt
  9. install all deppendencies - pip install -r requirements.txt
  10. run by simply calling - python app.py - from the terminal in the directory of the project