
My solutions for the imaginary micro-controller game SHENZHEN I/O

SHENZHEN I/O Solutions

Personal save files for the imaginary micro-controller programming game SHENZHEN I/O. Surprisingly, my solution repo for another imaginary programming game TIS-100 had a small readership, so may as well revisit that idea for another title I have been playing with.

The raw save files are not exactly human readable, so solution screenshots are also included.

If these save games are useful or interesting, take comfort that I don't care to enforce some arbitrary copyright on some fun game-related code; just don't inexplicably harm yourself with it. (Though that would be impressive, given the imaginary architecture!) That said, since I'm planning on posting unoptimized solutions while working through a first pass of the game, I'm sure you (dear reader) can do much better with some careful code bumming.


~ Alan Shen