
Sample Code & SDK for the storEDGE API

Primary LanguagePHP

Storedge PHP SDK

Guzzle client wrapper for Storedge API


  • This is a composer package, so download composer
  • Add the Github URL to the repositories section of your composer.json file:
"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": "https://github.com/thetimbanks/storedge-api-client-php"
  • Set minimum stability in composer.json to dev
  • Run command: composer require thetimbanks/storedge-sdk-php=master

API Documentation

Building an SDK Client

use RedNovaLabs\Storedge\SDK;

$base_url = 'https://api.storedgefms.com/v1/';
$api_key  = '[INSERT]';
$api_secret = '[INSERT]';
$client = new SDK($base_url, $api_key, $api_secret);

Sending Requests

// ... continued

// Create any needed uuids
$facility_uuid = '[INSERT]';

// Send the request

// GET request
$units = $client->getUnits($facility_uuid);

// POST request
// array of data to send in body of request
$tenant = json_decode(
  "tenant": {
    "password": "supersecretpassword",
    "username": "awesome_o_5000"
}', true);

$newTenant = $client->signUpTenant($facility_uuid, $tenant_uuid, $tenant);

  • See samples.php for more information