
Bases on the Social Shareboard for Microsoft Build 2020 Student Zone. This is a demo project in GitHub for Beginner on Week of Build 2020 organized by Microsoft Student Partner Thailand.


Submitting a Note to the Social Shareboard

  1. Fork this repository to your GitHub account with the button at the top-right

  2. Create a new Markdown file in the notes folder and name it something unique like and fill it out similar to other examples in the notes folder. You can copy the content in file and modify it as you want.

  3. Commit and Push the changes to GitHub

  4. Create a Pull Request with your changes by pressing the New pull request button on your repository's GitHub page and then pressing Create pull request Pull Request Example

  5. Your note will be reviewed and approved by the admins!


Microosft Learn: Introduction to version control with Git

Microsoft Learn: Automate your workflow with GitHub Actions

Microsoft Build 2020: Introduction to GitHub for Student Developers