A simple REST API and GraphQL build for CS@SIT student to get their timetable.
Build with Fastify and Apollo Server Fastify
The data extracted from the timetable in PDF using Google Cloud Vision API and create a JSON representation of it by /util/readFromVision.ts
Available at https://timetable.cscms.me/
Install all the dependencies
Build the source code into JavaScript file
yarn build
Run it with Node
node build/main.js
Get all subjects in that semester-
Available query:
- year: Integer of 1 to 4
- fastTrack: true | false
- room: string of the roomId (Ex: CB2308)
- day: Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
Example Response
[ { "subject": "CSC261 Statistics for Scientists", "lecturer": "Dr.Debajyoti", "startTime": "13.30", "endTime": "16.30", "room": "CB2312", "year": [ { "year": 1, "fastTrack": true }, { "year": 2, "fastTrack": false } ], "day": "Monday" },... ]
Get a specific subject-
(Case insensitive) -
Example Response
{ "subject": "CSC105 Web Application Development", "lecturer": "Asst. Prof. Dr. Chonlameth", "startTime": "13.00", "endTime": "17.00", "room": "Classroom 4/2", "year": [ { "year": 1, "fastTrack": false } ], "day": "Wednesday" }
Available at /graphql