thetoretto's Stars
MERN exercise tracker - code for tutorial
Build and Deploy a Modern Next.js 13 Application | React, Next JS 13, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS
Online Public Transport Booking This project is based on a client-server architecture. It is a full-stack MERN project which contains two react-native applications (for a driver and a user) and a two react based web applications (for an admin and an agent). Server side application is developed using MongoDB, ExpressJS and NodeJS. Client side application: The User side application allows the individual to: - signup and login, - enter their current location and their destination location, - choose a mode of transport, be able to see price of route, and make payment - receive a generated unique QR code as a ticket, - add comments regarding the service. The Driver side application allows the individual to: - signup and login, - be able to recieve travel schedules and view route, - scan a user's QR code ticket to make sure it's a valid ticket, - be able to contact an agent for help in cases of traffic jam or other incidents, - add comments regarding the service. The Admin side web application allows the individual to: - signup and login, - view list of user's who use the system, - view list of driver's who use the system. The Agent side web application allows the individual to: - signup and login, - manage routes to assist the driver, - review comments from user's and drivers.
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology(SLIIT), 3rd-year 2nd semester, Case Studies in Software Engineering (CSSE) module group project.
Busticket booking web app and Objective of the project was to build the RWD of bus ticket booking site by using React js, Node js, and Express js and MongoDB.
Taxi booking app built using Flutter