
Class for safe subclassing windows

Primary LanguageVBA


Class for safe subclassing windows

Hello everyone!

This class allows to do subclassing very easy. It fires the event WndProc upon receiving a message by a window. The event has lRet output parameter where you can specify the message return value but you should set bDefCall parameter to False in order to bypass default procedure. By the default bDefCall equals True that means the default procedure calls always. To subclass a window you should call Hook method and pass its handle. You can pause / resume handling by calling corresponding PauseSubclass / ResumeSubclass methods. CallDef method allows to call the default window procedure at any time.

How does this work?

The class uses an assembly thunk to transmit "a flat" call to a VB object event. The assembly thunk also solves the Stop button / End statement problems so the class is quite stable i think. Additionally it stops event firing when a project is in step-by-step debugging mode.

Thank you all for attention!

Best Regards,

The trick.