Code Along: OOP Book Collection

  • We'll walk through the process using OOP to create a program to manage a person's book collection


  • Create a class BookList

  • Create another class called Book

  • BookLists should have the following properties:

    • Number of books marked as read
    • Number of books marked not read yet
    • A reference to the next book to read (book object)
    • A reference to the current book being read (book object)
    • A reference to the last book read (book object)
    • An array of all the Books
  • Each Book should have several properties:

    • Title
    • Genre
    • Author
    • Read (true or false)
    • Read date, can be blank, otherwise needs to be a JS Date() object
  • Every Booklist should have a few methods:

    • .add(book)
      • should add a book to the books list.
    • .finishCurrentBook()
      • should mark the book that is currently being read as "read"
      • Give it a read date of new Date()
      • Change the last book read to be the book that just got finished
      • Change the current book to be the next book to be read
      • Change the next book to be read property to be the first unread book you find in the list of books
  • Booklists and Books might need more methods than that. Try to think of more that might be useful.