
(Python) Automatically scrape URLs for webhooks and chop them down!

Primary LanguagePython

Once-Ler | Chop down the ratters.

Made to Protect.

Onceler has been made in cooperation with ClickCrystals to protect their mod from being ratted. This program is made specialy for that case.


  • Install the latest version of Python (or anything higher than 3.1)
  • Download the following with Pip
    • pip install requests
    • pip install clipboard
    • pip install discord-webhook
    • pip install time
    • pip install free-proxy
  • Run the 'Once-ler.py' in windows CMD
    • python Once-ler.py


  • Proxy Scrapping
  • Webhook to ClickCrystals for flexing
  • Delayed requests
  • Supourt for Custom URL to scrape
  • Base64 Decoding
 _____                                 __                      
/\  __`\                              /\ \                     
\ \ \/\ \     ___      ___      __    \ \ \         __   _ __  
 \ \ \ \ \  /' _ `\   /'___\  /'__`\   \ \ \  __  /'__`\/\`'__\
  \ \ \_\ \ /\ \/\ \ /\ \__/ /\  __/    \ \ \L\ \/\  __/\ \ \/ 
   \ \_____\\ \_\ \_\\ \____\\ \____\    \ \____/\ \____\\ \_\ 
    \/_____/ \/_/\/_/ \/____/ \/____/     \/___/  \/____/ \/_/ 
----[ All in one URL Scraper, Webhook nuker, and Deleter. ]----