
Pure-Python library implementing the Memorize algorithm for flashcard quiz scheduling

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This repo contains a pure-Python library that implements the Memorize algorithm described online and in the peer-reviewed 2019 paper in PNAS by Behzad Tabibian, Utkarsh Upadhyay, Abir De, Ali Zarezade, Bernhard Schölkopf, and Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez.

This library provides a single function that takes as inputs

  • the memory model: a function that maps time to recall probability for a single fact,
  • a number that trades off between the rate of reviews and probability of forgetting, and
  • a time horizon (optionally infinite)

and outputs a due date for reviewing that fact.

Note that this is an unaffiliated implementation of the algorithm 😊! This is a proper library that you can pip install and import into your quiz application. It has no external dependencies. It is also agnostic to the memory model, i.e., this implementation will apply the Memorize algorithm to any function that maps time to recall probability.


Install with:

pip install memorizesrs

Then import into your library as

import memorizesrs

API: memorizesrs.schedule(timeToRecallProb: Callable[[float], float], q: float, T: float, rng=None) -> float


  • timeToRecallProb, a function that maps elapsed time (in "units from now" 0 is "now") to recall probability (between 0 and 1),
  • q, a number that the algorithm uses to trade off reviewing intensity versus risk of forgetting: this should be a number greater than zero. For facts with very low probability of recall, the average due date returned by the function will be sqrt(q), so making q small will allow the algorithm to on average schedule sooner reviews for low-recall-probability flashcards. Experiment with values between q=0.1 to q=1.0 to q=10.0.
  • T, the maximum time horizon the algorithm should consider. This can be math.inf if you want the algorithm to search for a due date far, far into the future, although the algorithm might run for a long time. If T is finite, the algorithm may return math.inf to indicate that this flashcard should not be scheduled in this T-window.
  • rng should be a class of random.Random if not None. Use this for setting the random generator (for reproducible results).

The output is a number, in the same units as T and the input to timeToRecallProb, which corresponds to "units from now to schedule the quiz".

N.B. Because Memorize is a stochastic algorithm, this function will return different numbers when you call it with the same input. In a nutshell, the algorithm converts the probability of recall and the q parameter above into a Poisson point process, which it then samples from. Over scheduling infinitely-many cards for infinitely-many reviews, the algorithm is guaranteed to be optimal (under the quadratic loss function), but the specific numbers you personally get for your quizzes are going to vary randomly.

Note also that this library does not help you with the recall probability function. You are welcome to use Duolingo's half-life regression or Ebisu, or any other quantitative memory model. This library similarly does not help you update the memory model with the results of the quizzes. This library is very narrowly-scoped: to convert your memory models into quiz due dates using the Memorize algorithm.


Format code with yapf.

Run tests with

$ python setup.py test

To publish to PyPI, update setup.py with a new version number, then:

$ rm dist/* && python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel && twine upload dist/* --skip-existing


Please contact me, Ahmed Fasih, by either opening an issue if you have a GitHub account or by contacting me directly. I will be most delighted to receive your feedback, suggestions, bug reports, and pull requests, and will do my best to answer questions.

Consider contacting the inventors of the algorithm via the Memorize website or the Memorize GitHub repo, and read their open-access paper on PNAS.