Add ability to define tempo by keyboard input
Porrumentzio opened this issue · 6 comments
Touching or long pressing the green BPM number at the top of screen should able to define the BPM by keyboard input (same as for maximum/minimum speed at settings)
I was thinking about the need for this input method before, but didn't implement it since I realized that typing a speed would always be slower than just swiping along the speed-changing circle.
Maybe you can let me know the scenario when typing a specific speed would make sense. In this way we could think of it makes sense to allow typing the number of if there is even a more suitable way to select the speed ...
Well, for me is not speeder swiping! If I know that a song has 220 tempo, it's much more easier and rapid to input by keyboard, than swiping (think you start from 160, there are 60 bpms to move)
I would really like the input method, as it does not change the UI and is more comfortable for me :)
Thanks for the answer. I will keep this in mind and when I find time implementing it in a nice way.
Please checkout the following beta for a selectable speed text: v2.5.0-beta1.
I attached there a apk for manual installation. Also consider updating the basque (and maybe other) translations ...
Great! I'll update that string. The default now is in deustch or something similar
Sorry, the default should be English, but I accidently inserted the German translations to the Basque file ...