- 2
alternate sound(s)
#84 opened by bburdette - 7
Enhancement ideas
#55 opened by NiaJ3oE2LM - 1
Version numbers in the releases messages
#82 opened by opk12 - 3
Bug: Larger delay messes up click sound
#81 opened by MarkusBauer - 57
Enhancements on the Scenes screen
#35 opened by bigboipete - 4
Import Custom Click Sound
#69 opened by bigboipete - 2
Feature request: BPM changing over time
#59 opened by AhuracMusic - 33
Start in Realtime
#53 opened by bigboipete - 1
- 1
Feature Request: counting in feature
#79 opened by Ulizeilfelder - 3
App crashes immediately in Android 14
#78 opened by natebragg - 2
Feature Request: UI Haptic Feedback
#77 opened by martiandeath - 5
Custom themed icons in app
#73 opened by RustoMCSpit - 5
Android custom icon theming support
#71 opened by RustoMCSpit - 3
Nicer Logo and name?
#46 opened by wimmatthijs - 11
Delay between sound and visual clue
#72 opened by loig - 1
Feature Request: Randomly muting beats
#70 opened by Zeitiah - 2
- 1
- 17
Larger visualizition ticks
#66 opened by lianergoist - 15
Thoughts about vibration feature
#25 opened by Porrumentzio - 31
Metronome Vibration Lags Occasionally
#65 opened by TBWarrington - 2
Feature Request: Please allow the ability to remove individual rhythm presets ("scenes") instead of the entire list
#64 opened by Zeitiah - 4
Change the sound icon behavior
#61 opened by jpggithub - 3
Remove lower cap on bpm
#63 opened by BitPuffin - 55
- 4
Feature request: add a timer for practicing
#58 opened by jpggithub - 1
Feature request: add a sourdine for practicing
#57 opened by jpggithub - 1
- 1
Scene forward/back on main screen
#54 opened by darrellenns - 7
Loading issue via app choice
#52 opened by brilnius - 7
Share only selected scenes
#51 opened by cyberchrime - 2
Add Bar Count
#48 opened by yaktender - 5
If you open the "intensity" sliders and click away in the middle of the screen the "intensity" sliders button disappears
#47 opened by wimmatthijs - 6
Can't close the app
#43 opened by brilnius - 3
Practice Mode
#45 opened by bigboipete - 3
Please provide more note lengths for bpm selection
#42 opened by spaetz - 4
User interface broken
#40 opened by Heidistein - 1
Current Version not available in F-Droid
#39 opened by Krawei - 2
Dear author
#41 opened by KingZD - 5
Broken UI after 4.0.0
#38 opened - 8
Doesn't loop seamlessly
#37 opened by babloyi - 8
Add option to disable sound
#23 opened by Porrumentzio - 1
App crashes if tempo is 0 or very high
#34 opened by qwerty287 - 3
Closing while playing breaks the App
#36 opened by bigboipete - 10
Add eighth note option
#22 opened by don-philipe - 6
Instant clear-all button
#21 opened by fpesari - 6
Light-pulse metronome
#28 opened - 6
- 10
Vibration-based metronome
#19 opened by fpesari