
Feature request: add a timer for practicing

jpggithub opened this issue ยท 4 comments

A timer is useful to stay concentrated when you're practicing.
I have one on my edrum but obviously not on my practice pad so a timer would be great for Metronome/toc2 ๐Ÿ˜‰

So, you mean a timer which starts at zero, when starting play and then measures the seconds since having pressed play?
Sounds simple enough, but like the global volume, I really don't know where to place this :-). We really need a new UI, which is a bit more flexible ...

Thank for your answer.
For the timer, I mean something like a countdown from 3 min to zero for instance.

ok, I see ... and then stopping the metronome, or just go on playing?

And then stopping the metronome. Sorry it was not clear enough.