
Feature request: BPM changing over time

AhuracMusic opened this issue · 2 comments

I've been using this metronome application for a while and I'm absolutely loving it! Great features, do the work it is asked to do, etc.
A good feature that lacks to the application would be the ability to play a gradually transitioning BPM metronome. You would set an initial BPM, a final BPM and a transition time, and starting at the initial BPM, it would take this transition time to reach the final BPM, progressively.

Keep up the good work!

~ Ahurac

Thanks for your suggestion. This is in line with quite a number other requests. But it is a difficult one :-). Not from a technical point of view, but one has to design a clean UI around this which doesn't distract from the core functionality. And ideally we would find a more powerful way, with different elements to control the metronome, e.g. stop after some time, change the note sequence after some time, mute the sound for some time, ... and one must be able to save the setups and load them.

So, the difficulty is to introduce something which is complete and doesn't look like just another feature. And since this is a lot of work, I really cannot promise if/when I find time for these ideas. Sorry :-(

Also see #45.