
Feature Request: Randomly muting beats

Zeitiah opened this issue · 1 comments

According to the study I have referenced down below, research has shown that keeping time and using a metronome utilize different parts of the brain; and using a metronome does not really improve timing. A suggestion to improve one's timing that was included in the second paper I have linked involves using a metronome that will randomly turn off certain beats. I think that it would be a great addition to this app, as not many metronome apps have it, certainly not any open source metronomes. I know gui is a big concern for you right now, but just putting the option in the settings is a very adequate solution. Thanks for the hard work that you put into this app, I definitely appreciate it. <3

  1. Jantzen, K. J., Steinberg, F. L., & Kelso, J. A. S. (2004). Brain networks underlying human timing
    behavior are influenced by prior context. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101,
    6815-6820. doi:10/1073/pnas.0401300101


Thanks a lot for your suggestion. I think, we had this request in another thread. Actually I once stumbled across similar reasoning, where it was suggested to practice with having beats only once every bar or even less. Not sure, if randomly muting beats is more effective.

You are right regarding my concerns of the GUI and currently I am trying around to see if the screen space can be used more effectively and at the same time making it more organized. But at the same time I am trying a more modern UI approach, to have some "fun" :-). Meaning that things go rather slowly at the moment.

If I manage to come up with some kind of "effect" section, random mutes shouldn't be too difficult. If you follow the thread list, most feature requests are kind of such effects: random mutes, automatically increasing speed, stop metronome after some beats. So maybe, at some time, this can become reality :-).