
A chatroom using firebase, google authentication, fire-store and react.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Firebase Chat App

Note: You should know how to use firebase and must have a project set up on firebase.

Firstly install yarn.

npm install -g yarn

Clone this repo.

git clone https://github.com/theunderdogdev/cloud-c.git

Go into directory and install the packages.

    cd cloud-c && yarn install

Go to firebase and create a collection.

Create .env file at the root of the project with the following fields.

REACT_APP_apiKey=<your firebase apiKey>
REACT_APP_authDomain=<your firebase authDomain>
REACT_APP_projectId=<your firebase projectId>
REACT_APP_storageBucket=<your firebase storageBucket>
REACT_APP_messagingSenderId=<your firebase messagingSenderId>
REACT_APP_appId=<your firebase appId>
REACT_APP_measurementId=<your firebase measurementId>
REACT_APP_collName=<your collection name>

Run localserver

yarn start